standing in the evil forest far away from the vicious skylark
beasts and the castle. Then after he’d patted out the flames on his
head where his hair had been, and then blown them out on his hands
too, Vrakug was furious. Only aware that the Skylark beasts were
still active until morning, he’d no choice like young Dracus had
all those years before, and ended up sleeping in a hole. Vrakug had
to crawl around on his hands and knees rummaging through the
blackness, with the occasional bug crawling across him that was
food for the young boy, but at the very sight of them had made
Vrakug belch, whilst he’d found a hole. Then once he’d crawled down
into it and was also immensely glad that a towering Ekari beast
hadn’t found him, he’d laid there headfirst in his hole with blood
building savagely in his brain. Then as he’d thought about who
would have the gall, and the temerity to have done such a thing to
him with no clear answers coming, suddenly morning came.
Only later that day and when he’d awoken all
crumpled up in extreme agony with his legs almost vertically above
his head, and realizing that the deep thoughts of revenge and
swelled bloody brain had made him pass out, he’d crawled out of the
hole and cast a spell. The spell had summoned a window that had
appeared in front of him, and showed Dracus the night before
summoning a portal. When he’d seen the little bastard doing it,
he’d been completely shocked.
In all the years that he’d known him and had
him in the castle, he’d never known that Dracus had understood
magic. Then he’d reasoned that if he could understand magic, that
the little conniving fucker must have been from a family of
magician’s, and not just a villager as he’d always thought.
A moment past and then Vrakug had a
Dracus was about what age he’d asked himself?
Then as he’d added the years together, suddenly it had clicked in
his sick mind that the little bastard was about the same age as the
baby that he’d been looking for, with the crest on its back. He was
also mad because he’d realized that his death hounds had sat
outside the castle howling up at it trying to tell him that the
baby was inside the castle. He’d sent them out daily into the
wastelands to search for the child and was always furious to see
them returning empty handed, only to sit there howling up through
the crimson red mist at him.
Vrakug was so angry at that moment that he’d
turned around in the forest, and with his fists glowing crimson
red, he’d suddenly blasted the hideous trees in all directions
around him. Then as he’d grown tired, the evil lord had collapsed
to his knees and then screamed, only the scream was so loud that is
was heard some miles back inside the Jahunti witches cave too, and
in response they’d cackled. The cackling had started low and soft,
and then as the wind had strangely picked up across Eldor, and
they’d held their arms raised up to level with their shoulders, the
skies as if night then turned to darkness once more and with it
daytime vanished. Then as bolts of lightening chased across the sky
striking into one another, forking down burrowing deep to the
ground, with massive clouds of dust exploding up into the air from
them, Vrakug heard the terrible thunderous sound of the Parchaka
killers coming his way.
The evil lord realizing that the witches were
sending them to kill him, and that the Skylark beasts were again,
even though it should be day and that they don’t ever return until
night, were in fact hurtling down from the skies towards him, he’d
vanished. Seconds had past and then when he’d reappeared he was
outside the castle again, only as he’d cast a spell and from it the
fires had suddenly disappeared, leaving the building with its
impressive towers, massive draw bridges and heavily fortified
ramparts restored to its former glory, he’d rushed inside. Vrakug
headed straight through into the spell room hoping to