Owned Forever

Owned Forever by Willa Edwards Read Free Book Online

Book: Owned Forever by Willa Edwards Read Free Book Online
Authors: Willa Edwards
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
    Grant ground his teeth together at the strain in their embrace. How could these people not jump for joy at the chance to hug Kate? Why weren’t they beaming with excitement? Their only child—their daughter—was getting married this weekend, and her mother couldn’t even crack a smile. At least Kate’s father grinned at her.
    “It’s nice to see you, Mom.”
    Mrs. Baker warmed a bit with her daughter’s words. She tightened her arms a little snugger around her daughter.
    “It’s good to see you too, sweetheart.” Her eyes swiveled around the setting, as if to say, I only wish it wasn’t in a podunk town like this.
    Grant fisted his hands at his sides, fighting back the urge to correct her. This was a perfectly fine place. Kate was happy here. And she’d stay that way. He and Danny would make sure of it. But he didn’t say a word. He knew better than to enter into a fight that hadn’t been started yet. They had years ahead of them to discuss all of this.
    Her mother pulled back. She spied Daniel over Kate’s shoulder and a big smile filled her face. “Daniel,” she called out with more joy then she’d shown her daughter. “Get over here and give me a hug, my future son-in-law.”
    Of course, she loved Danny. Everyone loved Danny.
    Danny walked toward her, and Grant was happy to see Danny wasn’t thrilled to embrace the small woman that was so quick to toss aside their Kate. Good. Grant hated thinking he was the only one upset with how she treated the woman they loved.
    “Oh, Daniel, it’s great to see you again.” Kate’s mother hugged him.
    “It’s nice to see you again, Mrs. Baker.” Danny returned the hug, holding on to the petite woman, almost a carbon copy of the one standing only feet from his side. Though a bit more prickly.
    “Don’t Mrs. Baker me. I told you, call me Margo.”
    Her big, radiant smile had Grant’s stomach tightening. He couldn’t imagine her smiling at him that way. Not if he was the one marrying her daughter. He’d always be the country hick related to their heavenly son-in-law. And definitely not if she knew what he did to his daughter at night.
    “Of course, I’m sorry. It’s nice to see you again, Margo.” Danny pulled back from the hug, extending his hand to Kate’s father. “And you too, Robert.”
    “Daniel.” Kate’s father returned his handshake.
    As if sensing his unease, Kate turned toward him, smiling. His heart hammered in his chest, and his throat dried up. Happiness radiated from her gaze, filled with expectation. She wanted so desperately for her parents to like him. He wanted that too. Not because he cared what they thought, but because she wanted them to like him. And whatever Kate wanted, he was helpless but to provide.
    Kate stepped back and grabbed his hand. At the soft touch of her fingers against his, some of the panic eased from his chest. Not all of it, but enough. With a soft tug, Kate pulled him across the cement walkway toward her family.
    “Mom, I’d like you to meet Grant Farrell, Daniel’s brother.” She swiveled between them, meeting both their gazes. “Grant, these are my parents, Robert and Margo Baker.”
    “It’s very nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Baker. “ Grant extended his hand toward her parents, praying they didn’t notice how his hand shook. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d met someone’s parents, and it had never been this important before.
    Her father took his hand, shaking firmly. “It’s nice to meet the Grant my daughter’s been talking so much about.”
    Grant smiled at her father’s words, and damn it, his cheeks warmed.
    After a minute, Mr. Baker released his hand, and reluctantly his wife took it. “Yes, nice to meet you. Do you think you could get our bags into the car?” Margo glanced toward the two suitcases sitting between her and Mr. Baker’s feet.
    “Mom—” Kate started, but Grant cut her off with a look. He wouldn’t be the reason Kate argued with her parents.

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