flipping through a magazine while the Rolling Stones belted out Gimme Shelter in the background. He looked up when she entered the room.
“Hi, Rex. I can't believe I slept so late. Next time, we better settle on a ten o'clock curfew.”
“Maybe so.”
Sara glanced at the patio and the back of Matthew Brandon's Pittsburgh Pirates ball cap. He had repositioned his chair so he couldn't be viewed from the window. Clever of him. “I think I'll go say hello,” she said, turning from Rex. “I'll catch you later.”
She swung back around and noticed the pinched lips and paleness. “What is it?”
His eyes darted around the room, from ceiling to floor, and everywhere in between. “You can't go out there.”
“I can't?”
He fidgeted in his chair. “Matt said no,” he mumbled, studying his watch.
“Matt said no?”
A dull flush crept up his cheeks. “Said he wants some time alone.”
Sara laughed. “He's had nothing but time alone for months.” She shook her head and laughed again.
“I'm glad you're not upset.”
“Why would I be upset?” She shot a glance at the Pirates cap. “That doesn't mean I'm going to honor his request and stay in here, though.” She smiled at Rex, whose complexion had gone from red to green.
“You can't go out there.”
“Yes, I can. Watch me.” Sara strode to the sliding glass door and reached for the handle. Get ready, Matthew Brandon, here I come . She yanked on the door. Nothing. She pulled again, harder this time.
“Rex, I think this door's locked. Can you get me the key?” When he didn’t answer, she looked over her shoulder. “Rex? The key?”
Guilt and dread washed over his face. “There's only one key.”
“Do you know where it is?”
He nodded. “Matt's got it.”
“Oh for heaven's sake,” she muttered. “He locked me out of his patio?” Sara stared at Rex, hands on hips. He shrugged. “And I suppose all of the other sliders are locked as well. With only one key?”
“No. But Matt had me turn the security system on.” Rex hung his head. “You can't open the sliding glass doors unless you have the code.”
“Fine.” Damn him . Did he really think a silly old lock and a security system would keep her away?
“I'm really sorry,” Rex said in a quiet voice. “I like you. You're not like the other docs. You're different.” He lifted his broad shoulders. “Maybe he just needs a little time to see that.”
“It's not your fault and I'm not upset with you.” But his boss was a different story. “What am I supposed to do while I wait for him to come around?” She hadn't expected an answer and was surprised when Rex provided one.
“Well, according to Matt, you should consider yourself on vacation and enjoy the sights.”
She swung away from the door. She'd play his game. For a little while. “Well, if you'll excuse me, I guess I'll be retiring to my cell ... I mean room.” Sara whizzed past him, anxious to be by herself. When she reached the door, she stopped and called over her shoulder, “And you can tell your boss I declare him the victor.” She waited a second before adding, “Of round one.”
Sara shook her head at the pecan pie Adam offered her and groaned. “I can't eat one more thing.”
“How can you resist pecan pie?”
“I can't, but my hips can,” she said, pushing away her plate. “Besides, didn't you see me eat that double fudge brownie? Where I come from, that's considered rich enough for two desserts.”
“Well, I guess you leave me no choice but to eat it all myself. Unless of course Rex thinks he's got room for more.” They glanced at Rex who was stuffing a piece of chocolate cheesecake into his mouth. He shook his head.
“That's what I thought.” Adam popped a pecan in his mouth.
“We've got to stop eating like this,” Sara said. “It's our second night of overindulgence. Pretty soon they'll have to roll us to our car.”
Adam shrugged. “So we enjoy food.”
“Indeed we do,”