PARANORMAL: Tamed By My Alpha Vampire (Vampire Billionaire Alpha Male Paranormal Romance) (BBW Multicultural Mail Order Bride Short Stories)

PARANORMAL: Tamed By My Alpha Vampire (Vampire Billionaire Alpha Male Paranormal Romance) (BBW Multicultural Mail Order Bride Short Stories) by KELLY IRIS Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: PARANORMAL: Tamed By My Alpha Vampire (Vampire Billionaire Alpha Male Paranormal Romance) (BBW Multicultural Mail Order Bride Short Stories) by KELLY IRIS Read Free Book Online
Daiki Uchida. He’s an Asian billionaire with powerful ties in both the corporate world, and various resistance movements and military groups in Africa, the Middle East, and in Russia. All you need to do is make him fall in love with you. Do you understand?”
    Falling in love was the easy part, it was the fear of losing someone else I loved that scared me the most.
    “Why am I being taken to him? Did he choose me?”
    The woman sighed and placed her hand on mine. It was the first sign of compassion she had shown since our conversation started.
    “Oh no, he didn’t choose you, but he’ll like you all the same. Trust me, you’re his type,” she said.
    “How do you know so much about him?” I asked, “Do you work for him?”
    She laughed. “No honey, I’m his wife!”
    I felt like I had been punched in the stomach.
    “He’s married? Then why do you want me to take him from you?” I asked.
    She set down the clipboard as her eyes wandered around the room.
    “Things are different where I come from, Kamaria. Where I’m from, money and power is far more important than love. I loved my husband once, but that was a long time ago. It’s time we parted ways, but he doesn’t see that. I need our divorce to be mutual, otherwise I can’t take half his fortune when I leave. Do you understand?”
    I nodded, even though I didn’t understand in the slightest.
    “Good, so what’s your job?”
    “Make him fall in love with me.”
    “Very good. Can I get you anything before we land?”
    I shook my head.
    “Great. Thanks for doing this. I know you didn’t have a choice in the matter, but I appreciate your help all the same.”
    I didn’t like the way any of this felt, but anything was better than being locked in that room. I wasn’t sure if I could love again, but I tried to keep an open mind as the plane landed. Soon it would be time to meet my new husband

Chapter 5
    T raveling the world is overrated. Every time I came back from another collection trip, I was exhausted both mentally and physically. I wanted only to sit and drink, nothing more. There was a brief moment when I came back, the moment when I opened the door and I waited for the hollow greeting from my wife. When she wasn’t home, I could relax instead of answering twenty questions or more about where I had been.
    This time she wasn’t home, thankfully. I closed the door to the penthouse suite and hung my coat on the hanger beside the door. Several steps in, and the fatigue hit me like a gushing wave. I skipped the kitchen entirely, despite my growling stomach, and walked straight to the liquor cabinet against the left wall.
    Half empty bottles littered the surface, the extremely expensive bottles were placed at the bottom of the cabinet, to remove temptation. Or at least, that was the concept. It didn’t stop me from taking them out whenever I felt like it. I poured a bottle of aged scotch. It was a gift from our wedding day. Back then, when we were in love, we talked about keeping it sealed until our twenty-fifth anniversary, but that ended about three years into our marriage.
    I poured the glass until it was almost full and walked into the living room. The leather sofa stretched out across from a massive television. I picked up the remote and turned it on. Apparently my wife, Ayumi, had been watching it last since the channel was on the news. As someone who managed political campaigns, she was always buried in the news.
    I took a swig of the scotch and relished in the burning sensation. As I set it down, I heard a knock on the door. It was very rare that we had visitors here, and I was still riding high on adrenaline from the day’s events. I stood up and walked to the door. In the umbrella holder beside me was a pump-action shotgun with the barrel facing down. I always kept it loaded and by the door in case I needed it.
    I turned the lock and pulled the door open slowly. A black woman stood in the doorway. She was wearing a sundress

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