the front desk officer. “A uniform just picked up Roy Engall and he’s bringing him in.”
Chapter 6
While Jackson waited for his suspect to arrive, he called Kera. He’d met her eight months earlier when he’d investigated the murder of a young client at the Planned Parenthood clinic where Kera worked as a nurse. Their attraction had been instant and powerful, and they’d started dating as soon as the case was resolved. After his surgery, Kera had insisted he and Katie stay with her while he recovered. He’d woken up in her bed this morning, as he had for the last four weeks.
“Hey, Jackson. We missed you at dinner tonight.” Her warm sexy voice had a touch of melancholy.
“Sorry. We had a mass homicide last night. I went out to the scene this morning and haven’t had a chance to call until now.”
“What do you mean by ‘mass’?”
“Three family members dead and one critically injured.”
“Oh no. How horrible.” Kera had lost her son to the Iraq war, and Jackson hated to mention death to her. “Was it a murder–suicide?” she asked. “Did the father do it?”
“It doesn’t look that way. We have a suspect and I’ll question him soon. I just wanted to let you know I’ll be working really late.”
“Are you okay physically?” Kera couldn’t help but be a nurse.
“I’m fine. Except I miss you already, just knowing how it will be for the next few days.”
“Don’t work too hard. There are seven other detectives in your unit.”
“For now. They’re laying off one of us on Friday.”
“That’s a damn shame. Do you know who?”
“No, but Lammers looked right at me when she announced it. If the city lets me go now, they won’t have to pay my full retirement.”
“No! You’re only a month away from twenty years. They wouldn’t do that, would they?”
“These are desperate times.” Jackson didn’t want to think about it. “Is Katie around? I want to say hello to her.”
“She and Danette took the baby out for a walk. I have the house to myself for a moment and I’m enjoying it immensely.” Danette was a college girl Kera’s son had slept with before shipping out to Iraq. Nathan had died on his second day in the war zone, never knowing he was a father. A few months after the baby was born, Kera had taken in Danette and her grandson. It made for a full house.
“In that case I’ll let you go. I’ll be in touch.”
“I love you.”
“Love you too.” Jackson hung up and unconsciously glanced around. The only other detective in the area was across the room on the phone. Jackson was still adjusting to Kera’s openness and occasional displays of public affection, but he loved those things about her and hoped he would never stifle her. He’d rather take a little grief from his peers.
Jackson printed some of the photos from the crime scene, then went out in search of coffee. After the interrogation, he’d start on the cell phones and work until he was too tired to focus. In the past he’d taken Vivarin tablets to stay awake when he had cases like this, but Kera had strongly encouraged him to stop. Too much caffeine made his heart race. They were both a little worried about his heart now that they knew about the growth around his aorta. Retroperitoneal fibrosis. The diagnosis two months ago had stunned him, and his future was uncertain. In the meantime, one small cup of coffee couldn’t hurt.
He’d let Engall sit alone in the interrogation room for twenty minutes. By the time Jackson walked in, the sleazy house painter was already rocking himself for comfort. Jackson took a seat, and the gray walls instantly closed in on the small windowless room.
“Whatever this is about, I’m not your man,” Engall pleaded. “You’ve made a mistake.”
Jackson set his digital recorder on the table and clicked it on. “Please state your name for the record.”
“Roy Engall.”
“You’re here to answer questions about a homicide last night,” Jackson said for
Liz Kenneth; Martínez Wishnia
Christopher Berry-Dee, Steven Morris