Perchance To Dream

Perchance To Dream by Holly Newman Read Free Book Online

Book: Perchance To Dream by Holly Newman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Holly Newman
Tags: Romance
swallowed, and Andrew wondered if she had a lump in her throat as big as the one he felt. He compressed his lips, refraining from comment as he returned to the craft. He knew the truth of what he told her. He could not continue to run from his father. He owed it to those weaker to help them, now, in return.
    They worked in silence, sadness, like an oppressive London fog, crept over them, blocking out all else from sight and thought.
    It was night before they pushed the floating throne into the water.
    "We can adjust the ropes on the sling to keep Margareen higher or lower in the water," Andrew said as they watched it bobble in the water. "The wound is not severe. If she allows it to dry it should heal rapidly. Shall we bring her here, now?
    Loreanne nodded, a distracted, worried expression on her face. Andrew watched her with concern. She ran a hand through her hair, then quickly pulled the monk's robe over her head and allowed it to fall in a puddle at her feet. She dove into the water. Andrew drew his brows together as he pondered her melancholy. He dove in after her, taking for granted that the red cap would save him.
    Swimming in the dark was an eerie experience, especially when they passed brilliantly hued fish that glowed as they snaked around rocks and through forests of seaweed. Beyond the coral gate death's minions restlessly circled, their soulless eyes capturing attention as if they would absorb them into their beings. Watching them, Andrew did not savor the necessity of moving Margareen past the coral gate.
    When they came to Margareen's grotto Loreanne called to the dolphin sentinels to help them, and they fashioned seaweed ropes to serve as halters they could attach to Margareen's shell throne. In a stately court procession that rivaled any the Prince Regent could contrive, they made their slow way toward the caverns. All manner of sea creatures surrounded them. A color guard of natural enemies swam together. Bottom crawling creatures tried to cling to the shell throne, or to tendrils of Margareen's hair that floated past. Margareen was lethargic, put the pull on her hair made her fretful and Loreanne had to separate the well-meaning creatures from her hair.
    When they neared the coral gate the shark's frenzy increased, straining the controls the dolphins had over the gateway. Suddenly one slipped past the guards and sped toward the procession, his soulless stare obsessed with Margareen.
    Small fish darted every direction, crisscrossing in their panic. Andrew grabbed the Spanish dagger he'd belted to his side and slashed at the harness setting the dolphins free. As they wheeled about to confront the shark Andrew swam to Loreanne.
    "Drag Margareen into the caverns! Grab her by the hair if you have to, but get her away from here!"
    "But her wound!"
    "It will not matter if the shark gets here!"
    He turned back to where the dolphins circled the shark, his dagger clenched in his hand. By the gate the shark activity increased, spurred by the success of their fellow. Their numbers exceeded that of the dolphins, though blessedly they did not realize this fact. Nonetheless, Andrew didn't know how much longer the dolphins could keep them beyond the coral gate. He held the dagger out, watching for any sign that a shark could elude the dolphins. He glanced behind him, relieved to see Loreanne coax Margareen off her throne. Though weak, the older mermaid swam, with Loreanne's support, to the caverns.
    He looked back toward the shark, his dagger ready. He felt awkward in the water. Without a tail his maneuverability was limited, his speed non-existent. But behind him was the woman who returned meaning to his life. How could he be thinking of leaving her? She needed him far more than anyone in England. For her he would give his life.
    One of the dolphins broke for the surface for air. The shark plunged downward then veered right toward the cavern, his heavy muscular tail thrashing the water. The dolphins convened upon the

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