Perchance To Dream

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Book: Perchance To Dream by Holly Newman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Holly Newman
Tags: Romance
enemy, worrying him backward. The shark frenzy was so great now they were near to tearing any flesh to shreds, blood or no blood. Andrew kicked forward toward the shark and dolphins, his dagger raised. The shark accepted his challenge. He swam toward him with frightening speed, the dolphins close behind, but they hung back, accepting Andrew's right to challenge the shark. Andrew held himself ready, conscious that time stretched as he stared at the black eyes and rows of teeth that charged toward him. His chest clenched. He would have one chance, and only one.
    When the shark was upon him he kicked sideways while thrusting upward with the knife. The shark's teeth barely missed his head while Andrew's blade met tough skin that nearly resisted the dagger blade.
    They collided one against the other with such force the knife blade went in to the hilt and his head blossomed with pain, his nose filling with water.
    He jerked the dagger out of the shark and kicked away. He shouldn't be inhaling water! He glanced back to see blood trailing like a mist from the wound in the shark, and his red cap caught in the monster's teeth. The dolphins swam away from the shark and headed for the caverns, leaving the coral gate open for death's minions to enter. His lungs hurt as he kicked toward the surface, but he knew he must get air.
    He broke to the surface and drew in gulping breaths just as the crowd of sharks from the coral gate fell upon the injured shark, churning the water with their violence. Andrew swam toward the shore, hauling himself up onto the sandy scree as the sharks finished their feeding. He stared out across the cove, watched a dolphin jump in a graceful arc above the blue waters, and looked toward the rocky cliffs that hid the caverns.
    Loreanne was lost to him.
    Deep inside he felt heavy hollowness. It happened so fast. He never had the chance to say good-bye. Waves gently lapped the shore. He ran his finger through the water as if he could catch a wave and hold it in his hand. But waves, like time, flowed on, ever changing, begging one to savor every moment for so quickly they are gone. His eyesight blurred, and his throat ached.
    Long before he saw her she entered his life, giving his dreams new directions, letting him discover himself and the world. And with her entry she brought peace, a focus for his thoughts that left selfish preoccupation behind. How could he have thought he could leave her? He lay back on the sand, his eyes squeezed shut, though not enough to prevent the slow course of a tear down his cheek.

    "You will remember me to the earl, won't you, my lord?" Tauton asked as he handed Andrew a pouch of estate papers. "You will tell him how well the estate is thriving?"
    Lord Andrew tucked the case under his arm. "Yes, yes Tauton. And I promise you shall receive credit for your efforts." His response was automatic, for his attention was on the ship he was to board and the wide expanse of sea beyond. In the week since he'd left Loreanne's world he'd avoided all sight of the sea, for the wound was too raw and like Margareen's threatened to seep unto his death. Loreanne! The thought of her constricted his heart and the empty ache returned.
    "Oh! Oh my, that is kind of you my lord. I'm sure I never. . . . That is to say, I wasn't. . . ." The little man stumbled over his words, his ears pink with pleasure.
    "Stubble it, Tauton."
    "Oh yes, my lord. Of course, my lord." He returned toward the carriage driver. "See that all of Lord Carrelton's luggage is safely carried aboard." He turned back to face Andrew. "Have you any last moment instructions for me, my lord?"
    "Hmm? Ah, no Tauton," he said absently. "Merely carry on with the plans we discussed."
    "Naturally, my lord!"
    From the ship the first mate waved they were ready to sail. They only awaited Andrew.
    Tauton nodded his understanding, mopped his high forehead with large handkerchief and cleared his throat. "Ah, ahem, my lord," he squeaked.

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