Peril for Your Thoughts (Mind Reader Mystery)

Peril for Your Thoughts (Mind Reader Mystery) by Kari Lee Townsend Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Peril for Your Thoughts (Mind Reader Mystery) by Kari Lee Townsend Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kari Lee Townsend
    “Jazlyn, honestly!” I puckered my face. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
    “Because I knew you would disapprove, just like you are now.”
    I relaxed my features and adopted a nonjudgmental tone. “It doesn’t matter what I think, you need to tell me everything if we are going to stand a chance of solving this case.”
    “Okay, but in my defense, they were having trouble before I came along. Maria grew up in this town, just like you. While Johnny was an outsider, same as me.”
    Jaz had purposely chosen a small town to start fresh and put her name on the map, knowing her mother would never step foot there. Johnny, on the other hand, was small town.
    “Maria and Johnny were complete opposites, but she was the first person he met, and they formed a special bond, kind of like you and me,” Jaz continued. “They would have been better off remaining best friends, but he had to go and ruin it by sleeping with her and giving her hope for something more. Unlike you and most definitely like me, he has a hungry appetite, so to speak. It was only a matter of time before Maria’s pastry cakes wouldn’t be spicy enough for him. I can’t help it he prefers hot tamales.”
    “Oh my.” I fanned my cheeks.
    “Oh yeah. And it gets better. I knew it was wrong, and you know that I can’t stay with anyone for too long. I wanted to do the right thing and get them back together. But when I tried to break it off, Johnny wouldn’t accept no.”
    “Oh wow.” I pressed my lips together.
    “Mmmhmmm.” She cleared her throat. “I can feel you judging me.”
    “I didn’t say a word.” She was right. We were best friends. She didn’t need a gift to read my mind. I smiled brightly, then quickly added, “Moving on. Let’s talk this out. Maria could have had a grudge against you and killed Darrin out of desperation. If she framed you for murder, then you would be out of the way in prison, and Johnny would get over you and come back to her.”
    “That sounds like a legitimate possibility.” Jaz stared up into the sky, pondering my words.
    “On the other hand, if Johnny couldn’t accept no, then maybe he killed Darrin out of heartbreak. Maybe he thought if he couldn’t have you, then no one could.”
    “I never considered that.”
    “Trust me. I’ve seen your exes in action. You leave a lasting impression on them, making that a definite possibility.”
    “I can’t help it I’m so memorable.” She fluttered her lashes.
    I shook my head with a grin, knowing that keeping things light was her defense mechanism. “What else do you have?”
    “Well, there’s also Anastasia Stewart.”
    “You mean the owner of Vixen?”
    “Exactly. My one and only competition for your lingerie line. Before I added you, she was the only game in town. When I sold everything else except lingerie, she acted like my best friend. But the minute I added Kalli’s Originals, she turned into a she-devil.”
    “Oh, my gosh. She could have killed Darrin out of greed. She had to know if you take the fall, then Full Disclosure will fold, and she will be the only game in town once more. She probably thinks I’d work for her, even though I’ve turned her down every time she’s made the offer. Is she really that greedy?”
    “And then some. She was angry that you went with me and not her.”
    “Like there was ever any choice.” I scoffed. “So is that it? Johnny, Maria, and Anastasia?”
    Jaz frowned and bit her bottom lip. “Well, there is one more? It’s probably crazy, but it is a possibility.”
    My jaw fell open until I finally sputtered, “Nik’s partner? But he’s a cop.”
    “Exactly. He would know how to get away with murder and make me look guilty. He could have killed Darrin for revenge. I think he’s trying to punish me for humiliating him.”
    “But you two broke up a year ago. Don’t you think he’s moved on by now?”
    “You’ve seen the way he acts around me. He’s so bitter and

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