PFK1 by U Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: PFK1 by U Read Free Book Online
Authors: U
    But it’s fun too.
    * * * *
    March 16, 1978
    There was a certified letter notice in the mail today. I wonder if it
    was about the tax refund Oxygen State stole from me. I wish they’d
    send it. I’m almost broke again. I have about $12 left in my checking
    account. I spent $9 on groceries today alone. The money slips away
    so quickly.
    Annie was here for a couple of nights. She’s going to make some
    suggestions concerning the book. I’ve asked her to help me out.


    After all, Annie does have a master’s degree in comparative lit with a
    special emphasis on French (or is it Italian?) literature.
    Annie drove up to my beach cabin in her new Renault Le Car that
    she bought earlier this year. I must admit it’s a cute little vehicle, and
    Annie looked pretty darned cute herself behind the wheel.
    The girl is a rising academic, poised to get ahead and looking the
    part as well. As soon as Annie pulled up, she glanced out the window
    to see me, standing on the porch. The warmest of smiles greeted me
    as she pushed open her car door, saying.
    "Your directions were perfect."
    I opened the car door as Annie climbed out, and then waited while
    she popped the hatchback.
    "Mmmm…" I said. "You’re looking good."
    "Thank you."
    Indeed Annie was looking good, dressed in a white cable knit
    sweater and a brown skirt that hugged her hips tightly. Her hair was
    long and thick, cut in a flattering wavy style.
    We kissed, and Annie’s kiss was a potent mixture of passion and
    affection. Then she broke the kiss.
    "Need help with anything?" I asked.
    "You can carry my bag," she said, raising the hatchback door. "I’d
    like to bring it in."
    "I’d be delighted."
    My initial impression of her loveliness was accurate in every
    aspect. If anything, she was ten to fifteen pounds lighter than at any
    previous time I’d known her. Additionally, Annie has this exotic
    voluptuous beauty, with a pretty face and a surprisingly small, perky
    nose hovering over a pair of sweet, pouty lips.
    And then there are her big, deep, dark brown eyes. Annie’s eyes
    radiate intelligence like a barbecue grill radiates heat.
    Consequently, I tried to make it a point not to lie to her too much,
    on account of the fact that she could always pick apart my
    prevarications sooner or later (most likely sooner.)


    What I especially loved about Annie though, was her thick mane of
    brunette hair, which she had recently grown long, cascading down to
    the middle of her back.
    It has a beautiful blue-black glow.
    After Annie locked her car, I led her into the cabin, carrying her
    overnight bag.
    I couldn’t take my eyes off her, to tell the truth. Her hair was, as
    usual, a gorgeous contrast to her flawless white skin. After careful
    examination, I can report that she had only one mole that I was able to
    discern, a tiny one on the small of her back, a flattish protrusion
    maybe a quarter of an inch across, the color of milk chocolate.
    Once I had Annie in the cabin and the door closed, we kissed.
    She was the one who broke the kiss.
    "So," she said, gently pushing me away, "when do you want to talk
    about your manuscript?"
    "Let’s start now," I said. "How about a drink first?"
    "What do you have?"
    "That white wine you like. Chablis."
    "Sounds good."
    I went to the refrigerator and got the bottle out, pouring us each an
    extra large glass.
    The other thing about Annie that I had to keep in mind was that as
    far as sex was concerned, I had to go slow. She was definitely not a
    "Fuck now, talk later," kind of girl. As poised and confident as she
    was in discussing intellectual or academic subjects, she’s kinda
    skittish about the dirty deed.
    That didn’t mean that Annie wasn’t going to put out, once I had her
    ensconced in my bed. On the contrary, it was evident that she wanted
    to fuck and happens to be quite adept at it.
    But before she would consent to giving her best effort in that
    regard, she had to be well and thoroughly entertained.

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