Plains Crazy

Plains Crazy by J.M. Hayes Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Plains Crazy by J.M. Hayes Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.M. Hayes
streaked across his face? Could the county’s born-again Cheyenne actually have shot that boy?
    â€œMorning, Mrs. Kraus,” Mad Dog greeted her. He was flushed with excitement, and as he got closer she could see it wasn’t war paint after all, it was grease. The war paint Mad Dog used was flavored body paint that came from a sex shop in Wichita—she knew because she’d picked some up there herself a time or two. Yeah, grease, and a little dust maybe.
    â€œWhat, that new car of yours break down on you already? You look like you’ve been exploring your engine from the inside.”
    He brushed at the cheek that was still clean. The grease on his hand left a new streak that almost matched the other side.
    â€œSorry,” he said. “I helped some folks fix a flat tire on my way to town. I was in a hurry to see you, so I haven’t stopped by a mirror yet.”
    â€œWhat do you want to see me about?” Considering what the morning had brought, and Mad Dog’s possible involvement in some of it, she wasn’t sure she wanted to be the person on his agenda. She glanced down to check the open drawer of her desk and make sure her Glock was right where she’d put it.
    â€œWell,” he said. “I got this phone message. Somebody coming to town and wanting to talk to me, and I didn’t know who it was until I stopped to help fix that tire. Did you know Janie Jorgenson has a granddaughter and she’s in Benteen County?”
    Mrs. Kraus breathed a little easier. Janie Jorgenson. That explained the state Mad Dog was in. He and Janie had been quite the item back when they were in high school. Most people thought Mad Dog had never gotten over her. After all, he hadn’t married. Never even dated seriously since, not that there were many women in the county willing to share a house with a wolf, or go on vision quests and perform other heathen rites.
    â€œYeah,” Mrs. Kraus admitted. “Seems like I heard that.”
    â€œIt was Janie who called. Said she wanted to see me. That it was important. And then it turns out her granddaughter is working on this PBS project they’re filming just down the road from me. You know what this is about?”
    Mrs. Kraus made herself look wise. “I might,” she said. “But Janie could be here any minute. You should go over to the restroom and clean up a bit. Then come back to the office and I’ll tell you what I can.”
    â€œComing here? She’s coming here?” Mad Dog looked flustered again.
    â€œYes, and she wants to talk to you something awful,” Mrs. Kraus said. It was a different she—Deputy Parker, not Janie Jorgenson—that Mrs. Kraus knew was heading his way. Still…Mrs. Kraus had heard Janie was expected in town today, and that she had been asking whether Mad Dog was still around. Maybe Janie was divorced or widowed or wondering if she might find a spark with her first true love all these years later. Maybe she just wanted to spit in his face one more time. But Deputy Parker was coming to investigate a pipe bomb and a killing. Mrs. Kraus thought it would be helpful if Mad Dog stuck around and made himself available for questioning.
    â€œMaybe she’ll let me apologize,” Mad Dog said. “Maybe I can try to explain.” He was backing across the sheriff’s office toward the door, wiping at his face with his hands again and smearing the grease around even worse.
    â€œOnly how do you apologize for murder?”
    And then Mad Dog was gone down the hall and Mrs. Kraus had the Glock out because his last words had just registered.
    The sheriff parked his Chevy behind a Dodge pickup that was being unloaded by a crowd of young workers.
    â€œThey part of the PBS crew?” he asked Daphne as they got out of his truck.
    â€œYeah. Most of them are college students doing this for course credit. You need me for anything else?”
    â€œNot now, but I may have

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