Play With Me (Pleasure Playground)

Play With Me (Pleasure Playground) by Eliza Gayle Read Free Book Online

Book: Play With Me (Pleasure Playground) by Eliza Gayle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eliza Gayle
pussy he ached for.
    Her arms were bound behind the chair as well, and Murphy had gotten creative and added a black silk blindfold. An excellent implement that gave Chase some ideas for how the day would end. He brought the digital camera to his face, being sure to perfect the focus. Although he planned every kind of shot possible today.
    “Are you comfortable, Eve?” Chase asked the question while zooming in for a close-up on her mouth. The red gloss she’d covered her lips with struck him with temptation as if she were a matador with a red flag and he’d become the charging bull.
    She nodded, and Murphy must have read his mind. His finger tapped her lips and instructed her to remain silent. She wouldn’t be permitted to see what was going on around her or speak unless there was an emergency. Deep down, Chase knew Murphy had the heart of a sadist and would one day require a submissive to become his slave.
    Minutes stretched into hours while Chase examined every inch of Eve through his lens. By the time they finished this commission, he’d know the canvas of her body better than she did. Now that he’d gotten the basic photographs he wanted from her today, it was time to step things up.
    “Grab her hair,” Chase demanded.
    Murphy perked up from his seat on the couch and grinned. “All right, party time.” He swiped the black T-shirt he wore over his head and tossed it on the seat. Bare chest, leather pants, and combat-style boots were the perfect look for what Chase had in mind.
    The subtle shift in Eve’s mouth and limbs indicated she’d heard their words and was fully alert.
    Murphy clutched a handful of red silk and tugged her head back, baring her throat. For now Murphy knew exactly what to do, and Chase settled back in for the shots. Time for her to be ravished, as she’d so delicately put it earlier. Although what Murphy was about to do to her in no way resembled anything delicate.
    Murphy’s head dipped to the delicious column of her neck, and Chase took up a side angle position to capture her reactions. Murphy nipped at her throat, and a whimper sounded from Eve. Tongue, teeth, and lips devoured her flesh until her breath came in gasping pants. Even Murphy seemed to have forgotten the camera as he followed the trail down to the tight rosy nipples that practically begged to be touched. Or better yet, clamped.
    The zipper of Chase’s jeans dug into the skin of his dick as he grew fucking hard as steel. The job was often a turn-on, but this was ridiculous. His balls swelled and hung heavy between his legs until the photographs were no longer the priority. Every time Murphy bit particularly hard on one of her nipples, she jerked the chair, and his cock moved right along with it.
    The marks Murphy left on her skin would photograph beautifully, and Chase knew his client would be immensely pleased. For a second, a vicious moment of protectiveness reared its ugly head inside him. If he claimed her, like he continued to consider, handing over pictures of her would fucking piss him off.
    “Are you wet yet, baby?” Murphy’s question pulled Chase from his ugly thoughts, and his gaze flew to her pussy. The panties wouldn’t last much longer.
    “Yes,” she whispered.
    “Ah ah ah. No talking, remember? I ask simple questions that require no more than a movement of your head. For that you’ve earned your first punishment.” Murphy gave her no time to protest or ponder before he grabbed a nipple and twisted hard.
    On the inevitable gasp that tore from Eve, Murphy released the precious bud. A smile quirked at his lips. They definitely had her attention now. The pain at her nipple had instinctively caused her to cant her hips in Murphy’s direction, a movement he might have missed without his camera.
    Not being able to see what was coming not only kept her on the edge, it allowed her the freedom to explore something her mind might object to if she knew about it in advance. It was definitely a

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