Literature & Fiction,
Action & Adventure,
Contemporary Romance,
Mystery; Thriller & Suspense,
Military - Intelligence,
hear about where you’ve been.”
Vice President Ripley Jordan was hard to ignore. Honey had encountered him on several occasions and considered him nothing more than a man who used his power and position to get what he wanted. He oversaw two committees directly affecting her work and his politics sucked. Worse than that, the admittedly handsome bachelor considered himself to be a charming ladies’ man. The concept of keeping his hands to himself and the meaning of the word no were lost on him.
Honey stepped into an immense foyer with chandelier, curving staircase, and marbled floor. The image of the hovel she’d been in ten days earlier leaped into memory. She pushed it aside to receive her sister’s overly dramatic welcome of air kisses and a hug and went on high alert. Theresa was up to something.
“Let me look at you.” She held Honey’s wrists, spreading out her arms. Honey stood still. It was no use fighting. Plus, she’d find out what was going on faster if she gave in.
Theresa reached up, patted her cheek and clucked. “Considering what you do, you look amazing. I can only imagine what you’d look like if you took care of yourself.”
Honey gritted her teeth and let the dig go. No matter what she did, she’d never completely please her sister. Her childhood memories of Theresa were of her clucking, as she’d just done, and reminding her how embarrassing it was to have a sister with a stick figure, a straight white mop of hair and weird blue eyes. For years she was envious of Theresa’s wavy black hair, big dark eyes, perfect olive complexion and petite, curvaceous body. Then she quit giving a damn what anybody thought.
“Good evening, Major,” a male voice said.
Honey stiffened. Being addressed with her rank on personal time was not her favorite thing. She preferred to keep her military and private life separate. Plus, any reference to the Marine Corps put Theresa on edge. Her sister considered the mention of the military and politics unpleasant, her only interest in the latter being what kind of party guests the current crop of legislators made. Honey bit her tongue, forced a smile and turned to greet the moron.
“Good evening, Mr. Vice President.” She dipped her head respectfully.
Ripley put his hand on her hip, sliding it to her back, low to the curve of her ass, closing the space between their bodies. Any other man she would have twisted his finger back until it snapped. The Secret Service, no doubt, wouldn’t let her get away with that.
He gave Theresa a smarmy smile. “Is there someplace I can speak to the major in private?” His gaze went to the stairs. Panic registered on her sister’s face.
“Sir. Please call me Honey this evening.” She moved enough to disengage his hand.
“Very well, Honey , if you stop calling me Sir.”
“What would you prefer?” She modulated her voice, reminding herself sarcasm was not to be spoken here.
“Ripley would be nice.”
Asshole would be better. “Certainly.” The first rule in a hostage situation popped into her head. Never allow yourself to be taken to a second location . “What did you want to speak to me about, Ripley ?”
Jordan’s slick smile dimmed as he realized she wasn’t going anywhere with him. “I read your report of the girls’ rescue. It was extraordinary.”
Theresa’s eyes darted between them. “Girls’ rescue?”
“Thank you, sir. I’ll convey your praise to the team.”
“Team?” Theresa said.
The politician’s smile returned. “I’ve sent them a letter.”
Honey glanced around. “May I remind you the report you speak of is highly confidential. I hardly think this is the time or place”—Honey looked pointedly at Theresa—“to discuss the matter. I’d be glad to come to your office, at your convenience of course, to talk.”
Jordon looked as stunned as Theresa. He didn’t reply.
“If you’ll excuse me, Ripley , I haven’t seen my family in months and unless this is an order . .
Gerry Davis, Alison Bingeman