used to get additional weaponry.” Mr. Kessler handed the necklace to Aaron.
Aaron placed the necklace around his neck. “What is this voiding thing that happened to Parker and my mom? Can I void someone?”
“No,” Mr. Kessler answered. “These are the items your captain selected. Nakal’s team picked the void and teleport items. So at times Nakal may seem to vanish into thin air.”
Aaron fidgeted with his necklace. “Seems like he got the cool ones.”
“Perhaps,” Mr. Kessler shrugged. “But they all are useful if you use them strategically. Also, if one of annihilators is able to void you the game is automatically over and Nakal wins.”
“But how can I win the game?”
Mr. Kessler stood, cracked the door slightly, and peered out before quietly shutting it.
“The game is quite simple. It’s basically a scavenger hunt. Whoever retrieves the majority of the five artifacts wins.”
“What are the artifacts?”
“Your team will supply this information to you. Please remember to pay attention to everything.”
“Is that it?” Aaron shrugged. “How long will I have?”
“There is no time limit; however, most of the games are completed in a day,” Mr. Kessler answered.
“What is Nakal’s role?”
“He is the Initiator as well as your opponent.”
“Okay, so he will try to block me.”
Mr. Kessler nodded. “But you must remember the council members of the Legend are controlling the game board, which is your town, and the players, which are the townspeople. At times, your team may send you clues as to where your next artifact may be found. It would behoove you to pay close attention to your immediate surroundings at all times.”
“Can you give me any more information on the council members?” Aaron asked.
“The council members are made up of two groups. The first is Aurora Borealis, which is the team you are on. Arcturus is your team captain,” began Mr. Kessler. “ Aurora Australis is the other team, and Sirius is the captain.
“Interesting that both team captains are named after stars,” Aaron said.
Mr. Kessler gave him an inquisitive gaze. “So, you’re familiar with the brothers?”
“Brothers?” Aaron shrugged. “Arcturus is one of the brightest stars located in the Northern Hemisphere, and Sirius is located in the Southern Hemisphere. I’ve studied our solar system with my father since I was old enough to look through a telescope. What do you mean, brothers?”
“Let me explain. In your atmosphere, they are seen as stars. But in the outer dimension, they’re immortal beings who are executives within the members of the council of The Legend. Arcturus’s team consists of Vega, Capella, Altair, and Pollux. Sirius’s team is Canopus, Rigel, Achernar, and Hadar.”
“Wow,” Aaron said. “North versus south?”
Mr. Kessler nodded. “Yes.”
“I have another question,” Aaron said. “What happens if I win?”
“Your mother and friend will be returned and your life will go on as normal.”
Aaron took a deep breath and closed his eyes. “And what if I lose?”
Mr. Kessler frowned. “If you lose, you will be voided.”
“For how long?”
“Permanently,” Mr. Kessler said.
Aaron straightened up. “That’s crazy. My parents would go to the police. They can’t just void me. People will come looking for me.”
“I’m afraid not.” Mr. Kessler sighed and leaned back against the wall. “You see, Aaron, if you lose, it’s not only the game but also your life.”
A siren interrupted their conversation. Mr. Kessler jumped to his feet, pulling Aaron up with him.
“What’s that mean?” Aaron asked.
Mr. Kessler slowly opened the door a crack. “The Equalizer. It monitors practically everything in this dimension. If something new is legally introduced, a scan is run, governing codes are checked, and that brings it into balance. However, if something is illegally brought into the dimension, such as yourself, it follows the same procedures and after