hospital.” Thinking about that, he did not say anything for a while, so I added, “So, can you try to explain everything to me, please? I remember most of it, but…” remembering that night, I started shaking. I could hardly believe everything that was happening now.
    He looked at me like he was studying me. I lowered my head and stared at my hands as my fingers twined together. Maybe he was having just as hard a time figuring me out as I was trying to figure him out. “Sure. What was the last thing you remember?”
    “I remember talking with Rick, then meeting Alex, then…” I stopped, not knowing exactly what had actually happened after that. I knew Damien had come, but did this stranger know about him? Or would he think I was crazy if I tried to explain the things Damien could do?
    “Okay, do you remember Damien?” Well, he answered that question.
    After I nodded, he continued, “The way Rick told it was that Damien came and tried to kill you. Alex came running after you, as did Rick. Alex was powerless, so he was an easy target for Damien. People like Damien care about nothing and no one but themselves. He wanted you dead and killing Alex made that easier for him. Rick was trying to shield you when Damien started killing Alex, but when you saw what was happening to Alex you used your own power to try to save him by forcing Damien away. The power of pure love is hard for him to stand. Lack of training left you defenseless against your own power though, and you nearly killed yourself. You had power from three people within your body. That amount of power is deadly. If I had not arrived when I did, you would have suffered nearly the exact same death as Alex.”
    He paused there, waiting for my reaction, I suppose, so I nodded for him to go on. There was no way I would interrupt him now. I could save my questions until the end. “If there had not been a police officer there, we would have just taken you home to recover. However, with the loss of Alex, it turned out to be a good thing he was there. All he saw was a group of friends being attacked by an apparent mugger, and he called for an ambulance. So, that is how you ended up here.” Pausing, he added, “Would you like to ask your questions now?”
    Trying to comprehend everything that had just been told to me and organize my thoughts, I started, “Apparently when you said you work with Rick, you meant that you are both the ‘good people with power’?” The sarcasm seeped into my tone much more than I meant it to.
    I guess that was not the question he was expecting because an almost worried look crossed his face. “Yes, so to speak. Is that really all he told you?”
    “Basically, yeah.” Not wanting him to start talking again before I asked all my questions, I went swiftly on, “Okay, for my next question, what did you mean when you said ‘If I had not arrived when I did, you would have suffered nearly the exact same death as Alex’?”
    Without any hesitation at all he answered, “I healed you. Or to be more precise, I healed your body from the damage done by the excess of power.”
    “Oh, is that all?” Once again, the sarcasm was very distinct, yet this time I meant it to come out as strongly as it did. “You ‘healed my body’ with, what, your ‘good power’? Because this all sounds like a load of crap to me!” I was too tired for this again. There had to be some other explanation for all the events that had occurred lately.
    Shocked, and maybe even hurt, he countered, “Is everything that happened not enough proof for you? Your fiancé is dead because you did not come with us when you were told to. Was the power flowing through you – not only yours and Rick’s, but also Damien’s – not enough proof for you? I can’t even imagine the pain that amount of power would have put you through! What will it take, Allison, to convince you? The death of your entire family – your mother and your daughter too? We may not always be around

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