
PowerofLearning by Viola Grace Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: PowerofLearning by Viola Grace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Viola Grace
Tags: Romance, Science Fiction
    “Wow. You really made this a piece of Tebr.” He looked around at her arrangements, the gauzy fabrics on the tables, images of waterfalls and deep jungle everywhere.
    She slid the robe off her shoulder and hung it in the wardrobe. “Do you mind if I get comfortable?”
    He shook his head. “Please. We have to begin as we mean to go on. I will make myself comfortable as well if you don’t mind.”
    She sighed in relief. “I don’t mind. I will be back in a minute.”
    Yavil grabbed two lengths of gauzy material from the wardrobe and headed into the bathroom to change. She stripped off her uniform and sighed happily at the reduction in pressure.
    She wrapped her breasts in one length of dark blue gauze and put the other around her hips. Decent by Alliance standards, she walked out into the bedroom and stopped short at the startling sight of a completely naked Hosh. “Um…wow.”
    He grinned. “I thought it would be nice if I learned how you felt, and I have to say that there is a certain feeling of freedom in it. I feel completely relaxed.”
    She looked him over. “I hate to say it, but I have seen completely relaxed and that is not it.”
    His laugh was wicked, and he took a seat on her couch, queuing up a documentary on the vid screen. It was a show on the history of champions in the Alliance, and it described the selection process as well as the interviews required. Ten races were currently in audition to join the Alliance and one had earned champions within five years of beginning the process.
    As the show went on, Hosh moved closer to her until she leaned her head against his shoulder and nodded off.
    She woke up when he picked her up to tuck her into bed. He slid in next to her and pulled her back against his body with a light sheet over them both. It took her fifteen minutes to get used to the feeling of his skin touching hers before he soothed her mind into sleep with a gentle touch.
    She smiled as she realized that she was still wearing clothing while he was naked. It was a peculiar turn around, but she could get used to it.

Chapter Ten
    An empty classroom was doubling as a workroom for Mala. Fixer sighed happily, “I am just glad to be off base for a few minutes. When Isabi isn’t there, it just doesn’t feel right, even with the little ones.”
    Hosh was standing nearby as Mala fitted the weapons into the arms and legs of a suit to be worn off Morganti. It was thicker than her other suit, but Mala had worked her magic, and it was soft and light against her skin.
    “You bruise very easily, Yavil.”
    “I know. The combat instructor said the same thing.” Yavil grinned.
    Baengar had taught her how to fall, how to slither out of the same kind of grip her captor had had her in, but he agreed that a set of blades inside her suit would be of benefit to her.
    A final long needle ran down her spine and another down the front of the suit in her cleavage. Mala had created false boning in the torso of the suit to disguise the channels that held the blades. The sheaths were armoured against the blades, and to Yavil’s surprise, she could bend and stretch in the suit without everything spiking out at odd angles.
    “I have created a set of robes for you that have similar pockets inside with additional blades. A stun belt might also be a good accessory.”
    Yavil wrinkled her nose. “I am already wearing too much clothing. A belt would be far too distracting.”
    Mala chuckled. “Well, I am only doing this because the Sector Guard has requisitioned you, and I want you back in one piece.”
    Yavil blinked at Hosh. “They did what now?”
    Hosh grimaced. “I was going to tell you tonight. You have a lecture assignment on Kladdian. You will be speaking on aqueducts and crop rotation.”
    She blinked. “Okay. I have those ones already.”
    He was surprised. “You do?”
    “Of course. It was before you started attending the lectures. There was a team in from…I think they were from Kladdian.”

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