Pressure Rising (Rhinestone Cowgirls Book 2)

Pressure Rising (Rhinestone Cowgirls Book 2) by Rhonda Lee Carver Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Pressure Rising (Rhinestone Cowgirls Book 2) by Rhonda Lee Carver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rhonda Lee Carver
resolution. She had no doubt he disliked her as much as she did him—probably even more now.
    Disappointment washed over her. DJ liked a different type of woman than her, obvious by his visitor today. Diana had big firm breasts and an hourglass figure. Pearl lacked in both. And why did she suddenly care? She’d never worried about her looks before. In fact, she’d always had confidence in that department…but being around DJ who probably could have any female he desired with a flash of heroic smile and white teeth, made her suddenly worry about her ass being tight enough, her breasts full enough, and whether she could satisfy a man.
    Burying her face deep into the pillow, she moaned, wishing she could scream. Not a good idea. DJ could break a stitch, get an infection, and then she’d be stuck with him a little longer.
    And why, oh why, didn’t that sound repulsive?
    Chapter Four
    “Where are you going?” Pearl caught DJ wobbling to the front door after breakfast. Although he still had some mobility difficulties, she did see that he was no longer grimacing every time he moved.
    He stopped at the door and leaned against the wall. “I’m going out and hosing off.”
    “Hosing off?” She lifted a brow.
    “Since I can’t make it upstairs to shower, I’m going to do the next best thing. My brothers and I used to hose off every day so we wouldn’t trample mud into Mama’s house. She’d whooped us good.”
    Swallowing laughter, she wasn’t surprised DJ found ‘hosing off’ to be comparable to taking a shower. “You’re not supposed to get the stitches wet. It hasn’t been forty-eight hours. Plus, you have outer stitches that need well taken care of.”
    “You’re not a nurse,” he mumbled.
    “But I do have Google. Look it up.” Since she’d gotten up at sunrise that morning, after tossing and turning most of the night, she’d kept her distance from DJ. She’d made him breakfast with bacon, and he’d seemed pleased, along with strong coffee, which made him appear even happier. She’d needed her caffeine fix too. By the way his hair stuck up at every angle, and the dark circles rimming his eyes, she guessed he’d slept about as poorly as she had. At least she’d taken a shower and it helped, so she understood his agitation.
    “Look up on Google if a cowboy gives a shit. I’m ready to get these damned things out and get back out on the land. I know what cabin fever means and I’m going stir crazy. And I want to smell better.” He sniffed his armpits and wrinkled his nose.
    Apparently the awkwardness between them was fading. “It’s only been one day.”
    “One day can feel like a dozen.” He scratched his jaw.
    “Why not call in Diana for a sponge bath?” What should have been sarcasm sounded more like jealousy. Big fail.
    He gave his head a quick shake. “No, I’m not asking her for a bath. She wouldn’t want to help.”
    This news shocked Pearl. What woman would turn down the chance to touch a six-foot cowboy with a body that dreams are made of? “Why not? Engagement off?”
    “Diana and I were never engaged.” He smirked. “And I can’t ask her to come out here every little bit. She’d tell me to shove it because she has better things to do. And she has a kid to take care of.”
    “Yeah, if she has a kid, she definitely doesn’t need to take care of a big baby. I just figured she was disappointed because you couldn’t perform right now…you know…considering…” Against better judgment, she shot a glance below his belt. She had no control over her thoughts as she pondered what a brawny man like DJ liked a woman to do in bed. Probably things she’d never heard of or learned about in seventh grade health class. Rolling a condom on a banana was nothing like the real thing…that she did know.
    Wrapping her arms around her middle, she was ashamed at the sudden onslaught of need released within her. She could be in deep trouble.
    “Swee—I mean, Pearl, I’ve

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