Pride of the Veld

Pride of the Veld by LE Franks Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Pride of the Veld by LE Franks Read Free Book Online
Authors: LE Franks
Tags: M/M romance
was stuck out here between one cheating bastard of a boyfriend and his new squeeze.
    “Dammit, Geo,” Danie cursed as he pressed a T-shirt against his nose. “I keep forgetting how fucking hard you punch. Shit, just settle down, okay?” He gingerly tested the cartilage in his nose and sighed in relief.
    Geo wasn’t sure whether to be relieved or sorry that Danie’s nose wasn’t broken. He’d have to be content with enhancing Danie’s good looks with a set of raccoon eyes. The thought made him smile, which in turn made Danie look at him with suspicion.
    “You always treat me like I’m a flower, Danie. But I’m a man. Apparently not man enough for you, but I’m certainly man enough for me.
    “You know, I never believed Oupa when he told me all the tales of you running around with the tourists and staff. It never fit with what I knew about you… guess the joke’s on me.” Geo’s bravado failed him at the end, and his voice cracked.
    “I guess for you I’m just a nice way to while away the afternoons out in the middle of the bush. But for me it was always more. I haven’t been with another man since I met you. So maybe I should thank you for presenting me with a front row seat to the Danie Swart show!”
    Danie dropped the shirt, wiping his hand across his face, smearing a line of blood across one tan, impossibly beautiful cheek. Geo was on his side, Andrea curled around him, trapping his arms and legs with his own, so when Danie knelt down to lay in front of him, he had no defense. Not against the hand that cradled his face, stroked his hair, wiped away the tears as they formed in the corner of his eyes.
    “Don’t be dof, Geo! You’re dead wrong about me, and we both know that this has nothing to do with us. I won’t say that the timing was perfect, but you wouldn’t be complaining if you were the one under Andrea, and I was walking in on you. Fuck, Geo, if that was the case, I’d have stripped down and be halfway to heaven right now.
    “I thought we talked about this already, or did I just imagine you saying you wanted Andrea, too?” Danie stared at him intently, and Geo felt himself flush again.
    “I think you…” he started to push back from Danie, but Geo couldn’t think; that was the problem. He let out a shuddering breath, and the arms around him tightened, pulling him closer.
    Andrea whispered into his ear. “Caro, let it go for one night. You might say that the milk has been spilt, but is it so terrible to be desired by both of us?” He used Geo’s stillness to take advantage, stroking his stomach and working his finger under the cotton of his khaki button-up. Geo shivered, and Andrea’s lips joined in planting delicate kisses behind his right ear.
    Danie used his distraction to come close once more. He cupped Geo’s face, gently kissing him, slipping a tongue between his lips. It was unfair. Geo never had any defense against Danie once his mouth came into play. He knew every single sensitive spot on Geo’s body by now, and he was happy to spend the long afternoons searching for more.
    Andrea’s lips had slid down his neck during Danie’s assault on his senses, and were now worrying the skin at his throat, alternating between biting and sucking. Geo writhed, though for a thoroughly more pleasurable reason than just wanting to kill Danie. Geo followed that skittering thought, and was satisfied. The desire to kill was still there… he’d finish Danie off… later.
    Somehow Danie had worked his shirt loose. One second it was unbuttoned with Danie’s hands stroking his sides underneath the cotton, the next it was gone and he could feel Andrea’s trailing fingers on his bare stomach. His gut clenched and he moaned into Danie’s mouth.
    Andrea shifted away, and Geo was suddenly on his back under both of them.
    “Tell me now, caro, if you want me to stop,” Andrea purred, gazing down at him with eyes shiny in the low light.
    “Geo, tell us to stop, or let us go.” Danie broke off

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