Princess Ahira

Princess Ahira by K.M. Shea Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Princess Ahira by K.M. Shea Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.M. Shea
him that it might be considered intrusive to me, the supposed pet. “ Is that okay?”
    “No!” Azmaveth hissed.
    “Umm… , ” I stuttered as Zerah glowered in my general direction. Apparently he was far to o good to sneer directly at me.
    “Don’t let them inside,” Azmaveth ordered.
    “Uh, you can’t!” I sa id starting to close the door. “I’m clea ning the den and it’s a mess,” I said.
    “That wasn’t a very go od reason,” Azmaveth scoffed as I moved my hand to the back of my neck and strangled the living daylights out of him.
    “That won’t be a problem, sweetie,” Rose soothed me as s he glanced at the giant doors. “When I had a princess she never did a ve ry goo d job at keeping the cave clean, ” s he said taking a step closer to the door. “Besides, if you cleaned at all I’m sure his den will look better than it does when it ’ s just him.”
    By this time Azmaveth had recovered from being strangled and bit the back of my neck in retaliation. I felt his sharp little teeth bit e into my flesh, drawing blood. “You little rat !”  I bellowed as I ripp ed him off the back of my dress. “ That hurt !” I yell ed as I felt the back of my neck. Blood colored my fingers when I inspected them again . 
    By this time Azmaveth was clamped onto my forearm, dangling precariously as I glared at my bloody fingers. “Gross, who knows what kind of germs you might have in your mou th!” I yelped as I pictured his room.
    “Azmaveth?” Rose asked as she squinted down at us .
    Azmaveth glared at her before managing to squirm back up my shoulder . He gripped my ear for balance as he cleared his little throat and tried to look as imposing as possible.

Chapter 5
    Dragons at Tea Time
    It didn’t work.
    Shammah fell down laughing and started roll ing on the ground as Rose giggled. “You should know better tha n to bite your princess , Honey , e specially since you ’ r e smaller than her,” Rose said as I glared at Azmaveth who indifferently sniff ed .
    “She throttled me, ” he tisked .  
    “If you had kept your mouth shut in the first place then I woul dn’t have strangled you, ” I sulked .
    Azmaveth rolled his eyes as he unconsciously slipped his tail loosely around my neck again. “Stupid human,” h e loftily said with a great sigh as I murderously flexed my hand . 
    Finally, for the first time since arriving, Zerah spoke. “Are you going to invite us in, or will we have to hold our meeting on your front stoop?” he said, his voice lined with dislike and abhorrence.  
    “Yes, of course . Ahira lead the way,” Azmaveth ordered .
    “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” I grumbled, pushing the pulling the doors open.
    I still had a hand clasped to the back of my neck, trying to stop the bleeding , as I led the d ragons into the dinning room. They sat down on the floor like cats as Azmaveth climbed up my hair a nd sat on the crown of my head. I suspect he was trying to get the highest possible viewpoint.
    Rose muffled a coy giggle and Shammah didn’t even try to hide his snort. Zerah settled for looking everywhere and at everything but me. 
    “Ahira will fetch us some tea. I will accompany her to treat her wound,” Azmaveth announced from the top of my head. 
    As the other dragons nodded in agreemen t I started to walk toward the east tunnel. “You talk like I was bitten through an accident . Take some responsibility , please !” I scolded , knowing the dragons could hear.
    “I t was your fault!” Azmaveth whine d as we disappeared from view. Once in the kitchen Azmaveth quickly worked some healing magic on my neck, closing up the small mark . 
    “There will be a scar,” h e told me as he hopped out from behind me as I slipped on some plain white shoes. 
    “ Oh that one will be fun to explain to my mother. “Honest Mu m, it’s not what you think. A dragon bit me”,” I mimicked, smiling when I found the silver serving tray.
    “Whatever,” Azmaveth said hopping back up on my

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