Princess in Pink

Princess in Pink by Meg Cabot Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Princess in Pink by Meg Cabot Read Free Book Online
Authors: Meg Cabot
Tags: Chick lit, Humorous stories, Romance, Juvenile Fiction, Young Adult, Love & Romance, Royalty
    And OK, so Michael comes in to visit me every morning before class starts. So what? How is that harming anyone? I mean, yeah, it makes LANA mad, because Josh Richter NEVER comes in to see HER before class, because he is too busy
    admiring his own highlights in the men's room mirror. But how is THAT distracting me from my schoolwork?
    I am going to have to have a serious talk with my mother, because I think the impending birth of his first child is turning Mr G into a misanthrope. So what if I got a sixty-nine on the last quiz? A person can have an off day, can't she? That does NOT mean that my grades are slipping, or that I am spending too much time with Michael, or thinking about smelling his neck
    every waking moment of the day, or anything like that.
    And Mr G suggesting that I spent the entirety of second period this morning writing in my journal is completely laughable.
    I fully paid attention to his little lecture about the polynomials towards the last ten minutes or so of class. PLEASE!
    And that thing where I wrote HRH Michael Moscovitz Renaldo seventeen times at the bottom of my worksheet was just a JOKE. God. Mr. G, what happened to you? You used to have a sense of humour.
    Friday, May 2, Bio
    So . . . did he ask you last night? At your birthday dinner. S
    Mia! There are exactly nine days until the prom. You are going to have to take matters into your own hands and
    just ask him.
    SHAMEEKA! You know I can't do that.
    Well, it's getting to be crunch time. If he doesn't ask you by the party tomorrow night, you aren't going to be able
    to say yes if he DOES ask you. I mean, a girl has to have some pride.
    That is very easy for someone like you to say, Shameeka. You are a cheerleader.
    Yeah. And you're a princess!
    You know what I mean.
    Mia,you can't let him take you for granted in this way. You have to keep boys on their toes . . . no matter how many songs they write for you, or snowflake necklaces they giveyou. You've got to let them know YOU'RE in charge.
    You sound just like my grandmother sometimes.
    Friday, May 2, Gifted and Talented
    Oh my God, Lilly will NOT shut up about Jangbu and his plight. Look, I feel for the guy, too, but I am not about to violate
    the poor man's privacy by trying to track down his home phone number - especially not using a certain royal's BRAND-SPANKING-NEW MOBILE PHONE.
    I have not even been able to make ONE call from it. Not ONE. Lilly has already made five.
    This busboy thing is totally out of control. Lesley Cho, The Atom's editor-in-chief, stopped by our table at lunch and asked
    if I could do an in-depth story on the incident for Monday's paper. I realize that now at last I have been given my entree into real reporting, and not just working the cafeteria beat, but does Lesley really think I am the most appropriate person for this job? I mean, isn't she running the risk of this story being less than completely prejudice-free and unbiased? Sure, I think Grandmere was wrong, but she's still my GRANDMOTHER, for crying out loud.
    I am not sure I really appreciate this peek into the seedy underbelly of school newspaper reporting. Working on a novel
    instead of writing for The Atom is starting to look more and more appealing.
    Since it is Friday and Michael was up at the bean bar getting me a second helping, and Lilly was otherwise occupied, Tina asked me what I am going to do about Michael's not having asked me to the prom yet.
    'What CAN I do?' I wailed. 'I just have to sit around and wait, like Jane Eyre did when Mr Rochester was busy playing billiards with Blanche Ingram and pretending like he didn't know Jane was alive.'
    To which Tina replied, 'I really think you should say something. Maybe tomorrow night, at your party?'
    Oh, great. I was kind of looking forward to my party -you know, except for the part where Mom was sure to stop everyone
    at the door and tell them all about her Incredible Shrinking Bladder - but now? No chance. Because I know

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