Private Dicks

Private Dicks by Katie Allen Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Private Dicks by Katie Allen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Allen
Rhodie, that’s an easy one. Um…how about
‘that’s how you’ll stay’? Or ‘you won’t want any other way’ or…”
    “‘With guys you’ll always play’?” Rhodes offered.
    “Yes!” Wash almost bounced in his excitement. “Or ‘you’ll be
forever fey’!”
    Rhodes laughed. He couldn’t help it. Hooking an arm around
Wash’s neck, he pulled his partner in for a headlock hug.
    Having Wash as his date was handy. They had barely joined
the throng waiting to get into the club when the bouncer jerked his head at
them. Rhodes resisted pointing at his own chest in a “Who? Me?” gesture and
grabbed a distracted Wash, hauling him up to the front of the line.
    “I’ve never seen so much leather,” Wash muttered.
    Rhodes smirked at him. “Just wait ’til we get inside.”
    “It gets worse?”
    “Better, Wash,” Rhodes corrected as the bouncer unclipped
the rope to let them through. “The word is ‘better’.” He nodded and slipped a
twenty to the burly man allowing them access. The bouncer gave Wash a
no-nonsense pat-down but his hands lingered while frisking Rhodes.
    Interesting , Rhodes thought, holding the big blond’s
gaze for a few seconds too long. This could be potentially useful. If handled
correctly, the bouncer might be willing to spill all kinds of information about
his boss.
    A yank on his arm pulled Rhodes a few stumbling steps toward
the door of the club.
    “The hell?” He glared at Wash, who was glowering right back.
    “Sorry, did I interrupt a moment?”
    Rhodes yanked his partner in until his lips almost touched
Wash’s ear. “No, dipshit,” he hissed, “an opportunity . Employee?
Information?” Pulling back, he saw Wash’s expression shift from annoyance to
comprehension and finally to embarrassment.
    “Sorry,” Wash muttered, looking away as color touched the
high edges of his cheekbones.
    Glancing over his shoulder, Rhodes saw the bouncer staring
at them, his eyes hot.
    “No harm done,” Rhodes murmured in Wash’s ear, allowing
himself a consoling stroke of his palm against his partner’s shoulder blade.
“By the look of it, he appreciated the show.” At Wash’s confused glance, Rhodes
clarified, “Me getting you…back in line.” It was his turn to blush as Wash’s
grin returned.
    “Think I should get down on my knees?” Wash suggested
wickedly. “Beg for your forgiveness?”
    Holy fuck! Heat spread under Rhodes’ skin like a
fever. “Maybe when we leave,” he tossed back, amazed that he could speak at
all. Inside, he was a gibbering idiot. Hauling open the door, he almost shoved
Wash into the club.
    The music hit them so loud that Rhodes felt the bass line
preempting his heart’s rhythm. Scanning the writhing mass of partiers, the
clichéd cage dancers hanging above the crowd and the flickering lights tangling
with the artificial fog, Rhodes felt the usual mix of insecurity and
anticipation, tempered by a surreal feeling. He glanced at the man next to him.
He never thought he’d be in a place like this with Wash . Daydreamed
about it, maybe, but never believed it could actually happen. He poked Wash to
see if he was just a figment of his horny imagination.
    Rhodes saw his partner’s lips move but couldn’t hear
anything. Wash felt real enough. He jumped when Wash poked him
    “Bitch!” Rhodes rubbed his arm. Wash must have read his lips
too, because he grinned.
    As Rhodes looked around the club again, planning the best
route for reconnaissance, Wash nudged him—gently this time—and started making
his incomprehensible hand signals. Rolling his eyes, Rhodes just grabbed one of
Wash’s wildly waving hands and hauled the man after him into the crowd.
    The surreal feeling hit Rhodes again as Wash’s rough palm
rubbed against his own but he pushed it to the back of his mind. It was time to
work. Tugging Wash behind him, he cut through the crowd, heading toward the
raised bar curving into one corner of the club. One

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