Private Passions
brunette who had
been Jane's assistant for two years, eyed her from behind the
lenses of her heavy framed glasses. "It's a great color, and really
shows off your legs."
    "You think so?" Jane said making a half turn
so she could see the backs of her legs, left on display by the
dress's skirt that ended mid-thigh. Would Deck like it, she
wondered? In her head she could hear the rumble of his voice,
telling her she had a gorgeous body as he ran his hands over her
bare skin. The memory alone was enough to make her nipples tighten
against the lace of her bra.
    "Absolutely." Hailey nodded. "But you should
be careful not to eat too much."
    That shouldn't be a problem, Jane thought as
she gathered up her clutch and the matching wrap Mira had left to
ward off the January chill. The butterflies in her stomach were
flapping their wings a hundred miles an hour at the thought of Deck
waiting downstairs.
    She walked down the steps, willing herself to
breathe. She was more nervous now than she'd been the first time
she presented at the Emmy's, knowing millions of people would be
    Still, she couldn't suppress a smile when she
heard Deck's low-pitched voice coming from the entry way. Her smile
dimmed when she passed through the archway and saw deck dressed in
jeans, boots, and a wool sweater. "Deck, I know the SAGs are less
formal than the Globes or the Oscars, but you should have at least
thrown on a jacket."
    Deck turned his attention to her, and the
flat look in his amber gaze made goosebumps prickle up and down her
bare arms and legs.
    "I'm not going. He is."
    Jane had been so focused on Deck, she hadn't
registered the man standing a few feet away from him. It wasn't
like he was hard to miss either. Tall and broad-shouldered he had
the same chiseled, hardened set to his features and military
bearing she'd learned to recognize after spending so much time with
Deck. Unlike Deck, the dark haired man wore a well-tailored gray
    "Who is he?" Jane asked.
    "This is Scott Ramirez. He's my
    "For—for tonight?" she stammered.
    "Permanently," Deck said curtly. "Ramirez
will be handling your personal protection from now on."
    "But I—" I want you , Jane thought
desperately, but she wasn't about to embarrass herself by admitting
it out loud. Not in front of Hailey and some guy she didn't even
know. "I don't even know him," she said. "I haven't interviewed
him, I have no references," she added, infusing her voice with at
haughty tone. She didn't pull out the entitled celebrity persona
very often, but she'd use whatever it took to maintain her
    "Tell Malcolm I'm not some d-lister—"
    "It wasn't Malcolm's decision," Deck
interrupted. "It was mine."
    The admission hit her like a blow. She
struggled to keep her balance in her four inch platform heels. "Can
I talk to you in private?"
    "Of course," Deck said, but she didn't miss
the resigned look on his face before she turned to walk down the
hall to her study.
    "What's going on, Deck?" she asked when he
closed the door behind him and leaned against it.
    Leaning away from her.
    "What happened between us was highly
inappropriate, a tremendous breech of professionalism." Deck said,
his voice void of any emotion.
    "A breech of professionalism?" Jane repeated
helplessly. She wanted to yell and scream that no, it was amazing,
potentially life-changing, nothing that could be described so
coldly. A breech of professionalism. He made it sound like he'd
spit on the sidewalk in front of her, or had too many cocktails
while on the job.
    "Ross Securities has a strict no
fraternization rule, and it's no longer possible for me to work for
    "So that's it? We slept together and now
you're quitting?"
    "After what happened, Malcolm and I both
decided it's not appropriate for me to work with you. Ramirez has
worked for the company for three years, and his client list
includes people nearly as famous as you."
    Jane nodded absently as Deck listed off the
names of several

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