Profile of Retribution: FBI Profiler Romantic Suspense (Profile Series #3)

Profile of Retribution: FBI Profiler Romantic Suspense (Profile Series #3) by Alexa Grace Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Profile of Retribution: FBI Profiler Romantic Suspense (Profile Series #3) by Alexa Grace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexa Grace
recognition, and had to be identified through dental records. Dealing with her children’s questions was heartbreaking. How do you tell a four-year-old that Mommy is never coming home?”
    April fingered a locket at her neck. “I gave this locket to Sharon when she turned thirteen. She never took it off. The police returned it to me yesterday. Sharon’s murder has enabled fear to take over my life. I keep thinking ‘Who’s next?’ I made my husband, Dwayne, change all the locks and install deadbolts on the doors. I’m terrified that something will happen to me, the kids, or my husband. It’s like when the unthinkable happens, you’re waiting for the other shoe to drop. Are we a target? When will it happen again?”
    Her husband slipped his arm around her and she looked up at him. “Dwayne has been amazing. He bought me a shotgun and he’s teaching me how to shoot it, so I’ll feel safer at home with the kids when he has to work late.”
    April patted the arm of the young man sitting next to her. “That’s my story. It’s time for you to tell yours, son.”
    Kaitlyn had tried to start a conversation with Tom Engle earlier, but he’d walked away from her, seeming too angry to talk. She got the impression that beneath his calm demeanor lay an edge of fury and frustration. He sat next to a man who looked to be an older version of Tom.
    “I’m Tom, and this is my dad, Thomas Sr. Marie Engle was my ex-wife, but we’d reconciled right before she was murdered. She was sixteen when I married her, and soon after she had our twins, who just turned two. Marie didn’t finish high school, and when she couldn’t find a job, she started stripping at a joint in Indy. Never liked the thought of my wife taking her clothes off for other men, but what could I say? I’d lost my job and she brought home good money that we needed to care for our babies. Marie was a good mom, and every time I think about what happened to her I get pissed. Like Tate, I feel robbed by the deaths of those fucking animals.”
    “I’ll never know all the details of Marie’s death. I want to know. I’ve imagined a thousand times how she died, but I want to know the truth. What was her death like? Was it quick, or was it a slow, agonizing death? How much did she suffer? I want to know, but that means going through the nightmare all over again. Not sure I can do that. Because they’re dead, I won’t see Evan and Devan suffer like Marie did. They won’t be tried and punished by the justice system—or get the lethal injections they deserve. But if I let this anger eat me up, what use am I to my kids, or to Dad?”
    When Margaret asked Thomas Sr. if he’d like to tell his story, he replied, his voice rough with emotion, “My son’s story is my story. I’ve got nothing to add to it, except I hope both Lucas boys are burning in hell.”
    Kaitlyn had met Anthony and Bobbie Cooke the day they buried their only child, Destiny. It had been a tough day for the Chase brothers, as all three had been friends with Destiny and her fiancé, Justin Andrews, and had planned to attend their wedding.
    “My Destiny was beautiful and smart. She was going to marry her childhood sweetheart and should have lived a long and happy life,” said Bobbie Cooke. “The happiest time of our lives became the most horrific. I lay awake at night asking, ‘Why Destiny? Was she just in the wrong place at the wrong time? Had she been targeted and stalked?’ We’ll never know. What I do know is that she is in God’s hands now, and I cannot move forward until I forgive her killers. I see the way most of you are looking at me with disbelief, and I hope you can someday understand. Losing Destiny created this agonizing pain inside me. It becomes excruciating and I can’t make it stop. If there was a surgery available to remove this ungodly pain, I’d be first in line.But there is no miracle cure, it will be with me until the last day of my life.
    “And then I ask myself what

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