Promise Me Tomorrow

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Book: Promise Me Tomorrow by Candace Camp Read Free Book Online
Authors: Candace Camp
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical
He was—well, he seemed rather amused by the thought that I was a thief. A most peculiar man. When Lord Batterslee came into the study and found us, Lord Lambeth did not say a word about what I had been doing.”
    “Thank heavens!” Della replied heartfeltly.
    “Yes,” Harrison agreed. “But why?”
    “Come now, lad.” Da spoke up for the first time. “Don’t tell me me daughter married a nodcock. Just look at the girl.” He winked at Marianne. “Why, any man worth his salt would let such a beauty get away with a little thievery. That’s why Della’s mother was so successful.” He reached over and patted Betsy’s hand, his eyes twinkling. “She was so pleasing to the eye, they scarcely noticed the blunt leaving their pockets.”
    Betsy dimpled girlishly. “Go on, you old charmer.”
    Harrison ignored his in-laws’ byplay and looked at Marianne. “Is that it, do you think?”
    Marianne could feel her cheeks coloring. “Well…I think he was hoping that I would agree to…ah…some sort of arrangement in return for his silence.”
    “The blackguard!” Piers growled, jumping to his feet, his boyish face dark with anger. In the excitement of the moment, he forgot his careful work on his accent and plunged back into the cockney of his roots. “I ought to draw ‘is cork. You mean ‘e offered you a carte blanche?”
    “Heavens, no. Oh, Piers, do sit down. Don’t get in such a taking. He never really said anything. It was just, well…” She hesitated, not wanting to tell them about that kiss. Just the thought of it made her go all strange and melting inside. “It was just a feeling I had. Perhaps I was wrong. Because I told him I would not, yet he still did not tell Lord Batterslee.”
    Piers snorted. “I know ‘is type. ‘E—I mean, he— just didn’t want to give up his power over you. He’s hoping to wangle his way into your bed, that’s what.”
    “That thought occurred to me. But he is bound to see that that is an empty threat. I am afraid that then he will tell Lord Batterslee. Harrison, I’m so worried. I fear I have ruined everything for us. What if he tells Lord Batterslee, and he sets a Bow Street Runner on us? Perhaps we ought to try our luck on the Continent for a few months, as you were talking about last year.”
    “But what can they prove?” Harrison pointed out reasonably. “You didn’t steal anything. He didn’t even see you trying to steal something. All he saw was you wandering around, looking at things. That’s not proof.”
    “They don’t always need proof,” Da put in, his voice tinged with bitterness. “One word from a lord and—” He drew his forefinger across his throat in an ominous gesture.
    “Even if he did not tell the authorities,” Betsy pointed out, “all he has to do is spread it around that Marianne is a thief, and the Game will be ruined. She won’t be received in polite society after that.”
    “That’s true.” Harrison rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “But we were on the verge of such opportunity—I hate to throw it away on a mere chance. I think we should wait and see. If we lie low for a few weeks, we might be all right.”
    “Do you think so?” Marianne brightened a little. She hated to think that she had ruined their plans for everyone.
    Harrison nodded. “Some other pretty young thing’ll come along to tickle his fancy.”
    That much was true, Marianne was sure. No nobleman was going to waste his time looking for or thinking about some socially inferior girl. If one was not of their class, there was only one use for a woman, and no doubt he could find other willing participants. Marianne realized that that idea gave her no joy, but she shoved the thought aside. She was, after all, a realist; she had to be.
    “He doesn’t know where you live, right?”
    “No. I left the party, and I am sure that he did not follow.”
    “If we take nothing from Batterslee House, it will lull his suspicions—or at least give him no proof to back

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