to impregnate a human and completely impossible for them to impregnate a female vampire, although they could get pregnant by
Pytes, or so he’d been told.
Of those pregnancies that did occur there was a fiftyfifty chance of the baby being a natural vampire. The baby would be a
slightly stronger vampire, but still have all the setbacks a made-vampire had, aversion to holy relics, burn to a crisp in the sun
and his personal favorite an allergy to Sentinel blood. Then of course there was the problem that the baby would eventually kill
the mother by ripping her apart from the inside so it could get more blood. Once it was born it would have to be hunted down
and killed since it was basically soulless and would kill without discrimination. Even Masters refused to allow them to live
since they caused more problems than anything.
Then there were the babies who were born Pytes. They were extremely rare and for some reason were only males. Eric thought
it had something to do with the DNA mutation, but nobody was sure. A few years ago Madison found herself pregnant for the
second time and it had been a little girl. Everyone knew the odds of the baby being born alive were zilch, but that hadn’t
stopped her or Ephraim from hoping.
He could still hear Madison’s anguished cries and his father’s roars when they lost the little girl. It was the first and only time
he’d ever seen his father cry.
Although he knew the baby wasn’t going to survive he hadn’t been able to stop himself from picturing a beautiful little girl with
long black hair, baby blue eyes and Madison’s sly little grin. He knew without a doubt he would have cherished that little girl
and spoiled the hell out of her.
They’d all counted their blessings that Marc had survived the birth, and Madison since human woman never survived giving
birth to Pytes. Ephraim had turned Madison early on in the pregnancy after she’d attracted the attention of a Master who wanted
the baby for herself and would have done anything to get the baby had she lived. It was the same reason why they hid Marc and
Madison’s existence.
From conception to about age sixteen Pytes were at risk since it was the only time they could be killed. After that they were
truly immortal and were equally feared by every species on earth, well the species that were aware of them. Humans for the
most part were still blissfully unaware of the world they really lived in and it was Chris’ job was to make sure it stayed that
That job would be made a hell of a lot harder if a Pyte ever decided to create an army.
That was every Sentinel’s fear, stronger, faster vampires and they’d do anything to make sure it never happened. Anything. If a
Master ever got his or her hands on a Pyte child the council would do whatever it took to get their hands on that child before
the transformation and if it appeared the child could not be reformed before it reached its immortality it would be destroyed.
Other Masters, demons and shifters acted just as violently when it came to Pyte children. If they couldn’t have them for
themselves they would do whatever it took to destroy them before they became unstoppable since an army of stronger vampires
could just as easily wipe out the demon and shifter population.
Chris’ eyes shot to his father just as the other man gently rubbed Madison’s stomach almost as if he couldn’t help himself. He
really didn’t know how his father had managed to survive to his transformation.
Before Ephraim’s transformation he’d never consumed blood and it had made him very weak. He’d been very fortunate to
survive. Most Pyte children weren’t so fortunate and died from simple human accidents or illnesses.
His brothers would never have to worry. He would make damn sure they made it to their transformations.
Chris thanked god everyday that no one outside their family except for a few select Sentinels knew about Marc’s existence.