word got out about Marc every Master in the world would storm their house to take the young boy. That was why he trained
twice as hard and patrolled twice as long as everybody else. He’d do anything to protect his family.
“There hasn’t been a minion or a Master around here in eight years. This is the safest place for her to be, especially since we’ll
have to increase security for the babies.” He gestured to Madison, who was thankfully still calm. Chris really wasn’t sure he’d
survive another pregnancy with the woman. Best friend or not, if she woke him up again at three in the morning to talk about
how sore her breasts were, he was making a run for it.
“I’d like you and Ephraim to question her since I haven’t managed to get anything from her. I’m hoping she can give us
something to work with. It will also be your job to train her, quickly,” Eric stressed the last part.
“What do we know about her?” he asked, deciding that the best plan was to get this shit over with and get her trained. As much
as it pleased him to finally have his mate, his partner, he had a job to do, one that he took very seriously, especially when his
family’s safety was on the line.
Eric opened his mouth to answer when Joshua came skidding into the room. “She’s locked herself in the bathroom downstairs
and she’s on the internet!”
Chapter 4
She stared intently at the small screen, waiting for her program to do its thing. There was absolutely no warning, not even a
little scraping sound. The door to the bathroom was there one second and completely gone the next.
Her grip tightened around her candy bar as she slowly looked up, too frightened to look up quickly and yet unable to look
away. Her eyes ran over loose blue jeans, unbuttoned blue jeans, that hung low around a lean tan waist and up over a very well
defined set of abs with a thin light pink line that intersected a small circular scar almost hidden completely by a dusting of
black hair and up to where two large muscular arms folded over yet another impressive area of the body. A large Celtic tattoo
marked half the left peck and just below two very angry looking scars. Her eyes moved over his arms and she inwardly
whimpered at the combination of scars, muscle, and tattoos running up and down both arms. Forcing her eyes to continue north
she noted the rather angry patch of pale skin on the right side of the man’s neck and then further up to a rather handsome face
with seriously angry green eyes.
Isabella swallowed nervously even as her body began to tingle.
Wait a minute her body only reacted this way once and that was to…..
A small whimper escaped her. This couldn’t be. She narrowed her eyes on the man before her. Gone were the wet underwear,
Grizzly Adams’ beard, and messy hair. The man before her was clean, shaved and too damn good looking for her peace of
She whimpered again.
The man reached out and she automatically scooted back on the lace covered chair, hugging her candy bar to her chest while
leaving her little computer balancing precariously on the edge of her knees. Even in her drug hazed mind she had priorities.
Chocolate came first.
The man’s sinfully wicked mouth kicked up into a lazy lopsided smile as he reached forward and snatched the computer away.
Never taking her eyes off him, she stole a quick bite of chocolate. Chocolate at this moment was very necessary. Her mind
understood that. It was the only way she was going to survive this moment with this man.
What in the hell was wrong with her?
God, she needed more chocolate. The three king size bars she had stored away in her bag were not going to be enough if she
had to spend any real time in this man’s company.
She took a fortifying bite of her lifesaving chocolate as she watched the man pass the computer back to Eric, who was glaring
at her. The man in front of her looked somewhat amused as he studied her.
“Cuff her, Chris,” Eric