Queen for a Day (BBW Billionaire Romance)

Queen for a Day (BBW Billionaire Romance) by Christa Wick Read Free Book Online

Book: Queen for a Day (BBW Billionaire Romance) by Christa Wick Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christa Wick
several long strips of black silk. I counted the strips and found there was one for each of the four bed posts. My heart should have kicked into high gear. I had known these two men less little more than half a day and now they wanted to tie me up. But even though they had been playing me from the start, I trusted them.
    "Time to practice your knots?" I asked softly.
    Franco nodded, his gaze kissing mine before he leaned forward and took hold of my arm. As his fingers deftly worked, Benito used his hands to massage me into an even deeper state of relaxation. Franco moved around the bed, tying wrist then ankle then ankle then wrist.
    My eyelids felt like they had been dipped in lead and my head wanted to roll to one side of the pillow.
    "I don't want to sleep," I protested as my voice inexorably drifted in that direction.
    "Don't worry, little bird," Franco said with a soft nuzzle against my ear. "Someone will be along soon to wake you with a kiss."
    Not a kiss, but a soft brush of fingertips against my bound ankle woke me. I opened my eyes to find Silvio at the foot of the bed. Supple brown leather pants hung low on his hips, a thin ladder of blackish hair rising up from the waistband, crawling up the perfect abdominal muscles to fan against his chest. A flash of light twinkled near the pout of his left nipple and I realized it was the end of a silver bar.
    He seemed not to know I was awake and watching him. He stared at me, at the line of my leg, along the curve of my hip, to the breasts that had started to swell from his intense gaze. His focus lingered there, his tongue pushing between his firm lips to lick softly at their center.
    Damn, he was beautiful. And there, in that room someone had carved from stone, with my body bathed in the light of the flames burning slowly on the wall, he found me desirable, enthralling even.
    Finally, he lifted his eyes and looked at my face. His expression softened without losing any of its heat. He put a knee on the mattress between my widely bound feet, then planted a palm on the bed. Slowly he crawled forward, his gaze never breaking from mine.
    "You watched?" I asked softly, knowing the answer.
    He nodded and I saw the swell of arousal in his face. He lowered his body, his belly flat against the bedding and his head between my legs. He brushed a stubbly cheek against one sensitive thigh and then the other. He whispered something in Italian as he moved from thigh to thigh, the heat of his breath curling against my flesh.
    Silvio had commanded in his office that I give myself over completely, that I open every hole. I thought I had already, but looking at his beautiful face and the melancholy in his gaze that I had missed earlier, I knew there was still part of me that hadn't been claimed, a hole that hadn't been filled. No other man could do it, not the brothers I had met tonight, not some man I would meet a year or a decade from this night. There was a special connection between me and Silvio.
    My only fear was that the line ran only in one direction.
    "Let me in, cara, " Silvio whispered as he placed a kiss against my hip.
    He looked at me and I nodded my consent. He wasn't talking about something as mundane as my pussy or my ass or my mouth. I knew that because his kisses moved slowly upward, settling on a nipple to slowly suck while his fingers stroked lightly at the center of my chest.
    His mouth slid to cover the spot, as if he had been searching for a latch and had found it. His hands smoothed softly along my sides as he nuzzled between my breasts. I melted against the mattress and grew softer still as his tongue found the hollow between my collar bones and his palm squeezed at my mound.
    "Let me in, cara, " he repeated even though he had me tied to the bed, my legs splayed, my cunt open and wet.
    "Yes," I whispered. "Whatever you want, however you want."
    Silvio rose up on his knees. He pushed at the band of the brown leather pants, lowering them over lean

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