[Queen of Orcs 03] - Royal Destiny

[Queen of Orcs 03] - Royal Destiny by Morgan Howell Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: [Queen of Orcs 03] - Royal Destiny by Morgan Howell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Morgan Howell
didn’t trust her muthuri or Muth-yat. Dar recalled the late queen’s advice: “When you’re Muth Mauk, just follow your chest.” But an unsettled chest was an uncertain guide.
    Queen Girta eyed Lokung with distaste. She distrusted the royal steward, but then she distrusted all of her late husband’s courtiers. The fact that she needed Lokung made her like him even less. They were in her private chambers, away from the orc guards that made the steward nervous. Nevertheless, he kept glancing at the door, knowing they were stationed just outside it.
    Lokung handed Girta a parchment. “A minor matter, Your Majesty. The Merchants’ Guild needs a new master. If you approve, it’ll be Balten.”
    “What happened to the old master?”
    “Maltus took his own life yesterday afternoon. He stopped a guard on the city walls, handed him a note, then jumped to his death. The note was a confession. He’d been stealing from the guild treasury.”
    Girta recalled Maltus from court functions. “He had a reputation for honesty.”
    “Reputations can be deceptive, Your Highness.”
    “Who’s this Balten?”
    “You’ve seen him in court. He’s guild treasurer.”
    “Since the treasury was looted, he seems a poor choice for master.”
    “The guilty party has confessed. Besides…” Lokung flashed a smile that Girta found patronizing. “…why concern yourself with the affairs of peddlers?”
    “Affix my seal,” said Girta. “They can have whoever they wish for master.”
    After marking the parchment with Girta’s seal, Lokung brought up another subject. Girta had noted that he never spoke first about what concerned him most, so she was not fooled by his casual tone. “One of your guardsmen visited the orcs last night.”
    “It was that traitor, Sevren.”
    “I pardoned Sevren, and with good cause. He helped to bring about peace.”
    “Every wolf is peaceful after it’s supped. The orcs rebelled, and now they’re sated. But for how long?”
    “All they wanted was peace.”
    “They chose a strange manner to show it. Your husband’s dead.”
    “Killed by his own mage.”
    “So they say. Yet no one saw him do it.”
    “Dar was witness.”
    “Who could have done the deed and murdered Othar as well.”
    “Then poisoned herself for good measure?” said Girta. “Your imagination’s overripe.”
    “Still, Your Majesty, I’d closely watch the orcs and those that consort with them. Sevren’s been seen with one who’s notorious for orcish dealings.”
    “A glass merchant,” replied Girta. “From whom would he purchase his wares if not from orcs? They first discovered the secret of its making and still do the finest work.”
    “How do you know this?” asked Lokung.
    “Not through spies. Sevren told me.”
    “You’ve spoken to him?”
    “Of course. He serves in my royal guard. He’s the one who told me that women must serve orcs food. He also found a woman experienced with them. Since she entered my service, meals have gone smoother.”
    Lokung smiled. “I’m glad he knows what quiets orcs. Let’s hope they stay appeased.”
    “‘Appeased’? Why use that word?”
    “So you believe the orcs want peace?”
    “You speak as though you’ve heard otherwise.”
    “I don’t credit rumors. Still, the orcs have revolted once already and now they dwell in the palace.”
    “They’ve sworn to guard me.”
    Lokung noted uncertainty in the queen’s voice and seized his opportunity. “Aye, Your Highness, they’re fearsome guards. Well you know my fear of them. In truth, I don’t trust what I can’t understand. Their yellow eyes liken to a beast’s. Who can tell their thoughts…the nature of their lusts…what provokes them? When they stare at you, silent and grim, don’t you feel uneasy?”
    “They serve me,” replied Girta. “As do you.”
    Lokung noted the fear in the queen’s eyes. He gave a deep bow and departed, feeling the conversation had gone well. Balten had recruited him

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