Quick, Amanda

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Book: Quick, Amanda by Rendezvous Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rendezvous
. It might be easier on her if we take the decision out of her
    hands, if you see what I mean."
    Sir Thomas gave Harry a shrewd glance from beneath his thick brows. "Are you by any chance
    suggesting I fire the notices off to the papers before you ask my niece for her hand?"
    Harry nodded. "As I said, Sir Thomas. It will be more efficient ifAugusta is not called upon to actually
    make a decision."
    "Bloody clever," said Sir Thomas, clearly awed. "Brilliant notion, Graystone. Absolutely brilliant."
    "Thank you. But I have a hunch this is only the beginning, Sir Thomas. Something tells me that staying
    one step ahead ofAugusta is going to take a great deal of cleverness and an even greater amount of
    "You sent the notices off to the papers? Uncle Thomas, I do not believe it. This is a disaster. 'Tis
    obvious a terrible mistake has been made."
    Still reeling from the stunning blow of her uncle's offhanded announcement that he had accepted an offer
    of marriage on her behalf,Augusta paced the library. She was ablaze with a furious energy and she
    scowled fiercely as she tried to think her way clear of the dreadful situation.
    She had just come in from an afternoon ride in the park and was still wearing a dashing new
    ruby-colored riding habit trimmed in gold braid à la militaire . The matching confection of a hat with its
    perky red feather was still perched on her hair and she was still wearing her gray leather boots. A servant
    had told her that Sir Thomas had a message for her and she had breezed straight into the library.
    Only to be met with the shock of her life.
    "How could you have done such a thing, Uncle Thomas? How could you have made such a mistake?"
    "Don't think there was any mistake," Sir Thomas said vaguely. Having delivered his announcement from
    his armchair, he had immediately plunged back into the book he had been reading beforeAugusta had
    arrived. "Graystone appeared to know exactly what he was doing."
    "But there must have been a mistake. Graystone would never offer for me."Augusta pondered the
    problem furiously as she paced back and forth. " 'Tis obvious what happened. He offered for Claudia
    and you misunderstood."
    "Don't believe so." Sir Thomas buried himself deeper in his book.
    "Come, now, Uncle Thomas. You know you get quite absentminded on occasion. You have frequently
    confused Claudia's name with mine, especially when you are working on one of your books, as you are
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    "What do you expect? You were both named after Roman emperors," Sir Thomas said by way of
    excuse. "Bound to be the occasional mistake."
    Augustagroaned. She knew her uncle. When he was concentrating on old Greeks and Romans it was
    impossible to get his full attention. He had no doubt been just as preoccupied earlier when Graystone had
    called. No wonder matters had gotten confused. "I cannot believe you have done something that will
    affect my future so drastically without even consulting me."
    "He'll make you a sound husband, Augusta."
    "I do not want a sound husband. I do not particularly want any sort of husband at all, least of all a sound
    one. What the devil does that mean, anyway? Sound . A horse is sound ."
    "The thing is, my girl, you are not likely to get a better offer."
    "Very likely not. But don't you see, Uncle Thomas, the offer was not for me. I am quite certain of
    it."Augusta whirled about, the ruby skirts of her habit pooling around her boots. "Oh, Uncle Thomas, I do
    not mean to be short with you. Heaven knows you have been all that is kind and generous to me and I
    shall be forever grateful, you must know that."
    "Just as I am grateful to you, my dear, for all you have done for Claudia this Season. You have brought
    her out of her shell and turned her from a shy little mouse into a sensation. Her mother would have been
    " 'Twas nothing, Uncle Thomas. Claudia is a beautiful, accomplished woman. She

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