Quick, Amanda

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Book: Quick, Amanda by Scandal Read Free Book Online
Authors: Scandal
have something extremely important to say to you."
    "Yes, my lord?"
    "Henceforth, whenever we are threatened with being cast adrift upon love's transcendent, golden shore, I
    want you to slap my face. Do you understand?"
    She stared at him in shock. "I shall not do any such thing."
    "Yes, you will, if you have any common sense at all."
    "I am certain you would not go beyond the limits of what is proper, my lord."
    "I have already gone beyond them," he said through gritted teeth, his amusement fading rapidly.
    "The thing is, my lord," she said with a small, considering frown, "I am not at all certain we can rely upon
    my common sense in this sort of situation. I have been assured that in such matters, I do not have a great
    deal. Therefore, we must depend upon your sense of honor and propriety. Do not worry, my lord, I am
    certain you will know exactly how to go on."
    "What in God's name do you mean, you don't have any common sense in this sort of thing?"
    "Oh, nothing—nothing, really," she said hastily, not wanting to have to explain about the Unfortunate
    Incident until it was absolutely necessary. After all, once Simon became aware of what had happened
    when she was nineteen, he would be obliged to cease all this wonderful talk of love. "It is just that my
    family feels I have been rather badly affected by my love of romantic literature," she explained weakly. It
    was true as far as it went.
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    "And have you?" His golden eyes were unreadable.
    Emily blushed and looked at his perfectly tied cravat, which did not seem to have been in the least
    disturbed by the recent excess of passion. "You should know the answer to that, my lord. You know me
    better than anyone else knows me."
    "Because of your letters?" He caught her chin gently on the edge of his fist and forced her to meet his
    eyes. "Do you know, you may be right. I have the distinct impression that you are a sadly misunderstood
    young woman. But it is a mistake for you to assume that you know as much about me as I do about you."
    "I do not think for one moment that my belief is a mistake, my lord." She looked up at him very earnestly.
    "Through our letters you and I have developed the most perfect intellectual and spiritual companionship
    of the mind. I am quite certain that our communication, which takes place on the highest of planes, has
    led us to a true comprehension of each other's—"
    "Enough," he interrupted curtly. "Miss Faringdon, it is always a mistake to assume you can trust a man
    completely when it comes to matters of passion."
    She smiled serenely, knowing he was wrong. "I do not think so, my lord. Not in your case. I would trust
    you with my heart and my life."
    "Damn." Simon shook his head slowly and released her chin. "Your family appears to have the right of it.
    No common sense in this sort of thing at all. You do not mind the risks involved in the game of love, I
    take it?"
    She shrugged lightly. "I come from a long line of gamesters, my lord. It is in the blood."
    "And how often have you taken this particular sort of risk?" he inquired with sudden, silky menace.
    Emily looked out over the small pond, choosing her words carefully. She knew honor required her to be
    honest, but she could not bear to ruin this idyll by telling him the whole story. "I have never before been in
    love. Not really. I know that now. Once, a long time ago, I thought I was, but I was proven wrong. Since
    then there has been no one else with whom I have wanted to take such a risk."
    Uneasily she turned her head to find him watching her with his cold, assessing eyes. "My lord?"
    He said something under his breath and got to his feet. "Pay me no heed. I am obviously not thinking very
    clearly at the moment. A direct result of sailing too close to a transcendent, golden shore, I imagine.
    Come. I will ride with you until you are within sight of St. Clair Hall."
    "Have I said something

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