You have full mobility of your legs. I want you to start using them."
She'd expected that. "Fine, whatever."
"Glad to see you so amenable to my rules today. Next, no giving up, no running, no telling me to leave because shit is hard. Some of what I ask you to do will be painful and it will hurt, but I expect you to work hard, to push through. No quitting."
"Is that what you think I've been doing for the last several weeks? Giving up?"
He took a bite and groaned. As he wiped his mouth he spoke around the napkin. “We make a pretty good team." When he was done chewing, he added, "Oh, and you're going to start taking your pain meds."
"No. You can't force me and I won't take them."
"Usually I can't get people to kick their meds, but you won’t take them. Why not?"
"None of your business. But that's one rule that's not happening."
He held up a hand. "Look, you're going to be in pain. That small bit I had you do just now, you're going to be hurting from in a few hours. You need sleep. The meds will help you get that."
He could say whatever he wanted, but she wasn't budging. "You don't need to know why, but you do need to know that I'm not doing it."
He sighed. "We don’t have time to argue. What if I limited the medication to acetaminophen and ibuprofen? No narcotics, then will you work with me? This will all go more smoothly if you don't feel like hot buttered ass all the time."
The laugh bubbled out of her mouth before she even knew what was happening. He grinned and winked at her. He also nudged her plate closer, encouraging her to eat. In that moment she decided that the man should do nothing but smile all the time.
"Wow, that's a sound I haven't heard in a long time."
She shouldn't have jumped. It was just Christian — and it's not like they were doing anything wrong. Except, the idea of doing something wrong with a guy like Derek Donovan didn't seem like a bad idea at all. Christian leaned in and kissed her cheek. "Hey. Honestly, I didn't expect the two of you to be laughing. And if there was laughter I expected it of the maniacal variety with one of you standing over the other's body."
"We're just getting acquainted. Derek has some rules he wants me to abide by."
Christian's brows rose. "Oh yeah? Like what?"
Derek smiled coolly. "All geared around getting her mobility back. Things she can and honestly should already be doing for herself. As well as how hard I expect her to work."
"Great news." Christian grinned at her. And to avoid talking to him, she took a huge bite of her sandwich. He frowned. "Kiss, what are you eating? Let me call up to Marta to have her bring you the fresh gazpacho. The carbs won't be good for you until you get back on your feet again. Honestly, why did you struggle to make something when Marta would have just taken care of it." He turned to Derek. "I'm sorry about that. She has it in her head that she needs to be super strong all the time. I keep trying to tell her that she should let me take care of her."
Kiss flushed hot with shame and anger. This was why she didn't want to come back here. That feeling like she couldn't be trusted to take care of herself. Food got decided for her, cars picked out, clothes laid out. It suffocated her.
Derek raised a brow. "Well, there are some studies that show that low fat, high carb diets can aid with wound healing, besides, she's going to need the energy in a few minutes." He shrugged and slid his gaze over her again. "Besides, she can stand to gain a few pounds."
Kiss wanted to simultaneously slap and hug Derek. "I like chicken salad so I'm going to eat it. Besides, one of Derek's new rules is that I cook for myself. I think it's a great idea."
Christian's tight frown said he clearly didn't agree. "You can't be serious. She's practically an—"
Derek shook his head. "Be careful what you say next. I also have a strict policy of what words I allow around my trainees. If you're going to say anything that will undermine her progress and