Ravishing Ruby

Ravishing Ruby by Lavinia Kent Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Ravishing Ruby by Lavinia Kent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lavinia Kent
full magnificent breasts, the tips still swollen and red from her touch. He longed to place his hands there, his mouth there, longed to suck her deep, to fill his mouth with her. Her nipples tightened even more as he nipped and nibbled on her inner knee and slowly began the upward trail. A deep flush stained her chest and worked its way upward.
    With infinite patience he kissed his way up her right thigh, his hand trailing along the left. Halfway he stopped and paid tribute to the lush female flesh, his mouth sucking and savoring her. His eyes still focused upward.
    He had never seen anything so beautiful: the uptilted chin, the eyes hooded with desire, the breasts rising from the white linen of the shirt that draped around her, the gentle curve of belly, the blond curls sheltering but not hiding her feminine core, and those lower lips, rosy and swollen and slick. He could not wait to taste her, to devour her.
    He nibbled his way up further, watching every nuance of her response, every tremble, every inhale.
    “Hold yourself open for me again,” he spoke in command. The image of her fingers holding back her lips still filled his mind, and he wanted to see it again, wanted to taste her as she offered herself to him.
    Wanting to see if she would comply, he waited a moment.
    Her eyes opened and stared down into his. She did not move.
    Then inch by inch her fingers slid forward. “I do this because it is what I want,” she said.
    He was smart enough not to argue as her slender fingers trailed through the soft, sweet curls and down into her damp folds.
    As she pulled back the lips, he let himself stare, let his face display all the want that he felt, all the need that coursed through him. He inhaled deeply—and then blew out, watching the dance of curls, the quiver of flesh.
    And then he raised his own hands, lightly brushing hers as he placed a finger on each side of her clitoris, pressed gently, and drew back the hood that shielded that slight treasure. He blew again and could tell it was almost too intense as her thighs grew stiff.
    He blew again, seeing how much she could take.
    Ruby bit down hard on her lower lip, but said not a word.
    Leaning nearer, he reached out and with the tip of his tongue traced her whole length until he ended at her clit. He swirled about there, stroking with utmost care, mindful of her sensitivity. Her breath caught and held with each touch, with each brush, no matter how slight.
    He bent more and fastened his mouth around her, sucking deep, drawing her into his mouth, as his hands moved to capture each thigh to hold her in place. His tongue moved freely, delving deep, pressing far into her, treasuring the salty taste, and then moving back to that tight bundle of desire. He played and teased, feeling her body draw close and then ease back down.
    He brought her to the peak again and again, but never let her go over.
    Her thighs were damp with sweat, her body drawn to his own, only his hold on her thighs keeping them from closing around him.
    Her hips lifted from the chair, straining toward him.
    A small cry left her lips—and then another. “Please. Please.”
    He released one thigh, feeling her hot flesh press against him as he brought his fingers to her cunny and slipped two of them deep inside her velvet flesh, her warmth drawing him even deeper.
    His tongue grew frantic then, pressing hard as it drummed against her clit.
    His fingers thrust deep and withdrew, searching for that secret spot.
    Her whole body lifted, straining in urgent response.
    He could feel it coming.
    His fingers thrust deep again, pressing the cushioned walls, feeling them stretch and press.
    Warm. Hot. Wet. God, he wished it were his cock buried deep within her.
    The ripples began and grew and became waves. He felt it begin.
    He sucked deep, then nipped lightly at her clit, pressing it tight, holding it as his fingers thrust hard, again, and then again.
    She broke.
    His name filled the room.
    Her body rose, tightened,

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