Reason For Vengeance (Dark Vengeance Book 1)

Reason For Vengeance (Dark Vengeance Book 1) by Adrian D Roberts Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Reason For Vengeance (Dark Vengeance Book 1) by Adrian D Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adrian D Roberts
base and infrastructure, the economy turned more to farming rather than industry with very slow growth.  This caused colonists looking to leave Earth and the Origin systems surrounding it, to choose the more affluent systems close by that became the Pantheon, slowing Gomez’s growth even further.  Hundreds of years later, farming was still the largest driver of Gomez’s economy and it was far behind the Pantheon worlds.
    One area it did excel in, was the growth of Poppy and Coca crops.  The environment turned out to be perfect for the growth of these plants all over the planet.  Despite being illegal in the majority of human space, including Gomez, there was still a great demand for Heroin and Cocaine.  The Government on Gomez did its best to limit the production of these drugs, but it was too ineffective.  There were large swathes of land where they had no influence whatsoever.  This included the jungle Shadow Company was heading to.
    In that jungle, far from the Gomez security forces, Liam Boyle, a powerful grower and exporter had his base of operations.  He had built up a massive fortune and used it to create a personal army strong enough to threaten the System government.  Valerie strongly suspected some of the Families of the Pantheon were backing him quietly.  Looking to destabilise the situation, so they could come in and take over.  He was too strong though and if the situation continued, it could result in the utter chaos of a civil war that would not benefit anyone. 
    A word would have been whispered into the right ear and Legion Intelligence asked to look into it.  From there, a covert operation was approved, and Shadow Company were now hurtling towards Boyle’s main base of operations.  There he kept the majority of his off-world weaponry, far surpassing those of the Gomez government.  No information had been given about where the weapons originated.  From L.I.’s informants, they believed none of the weapons were in use yet, even at the base.  Boyle was keeping them secret and waiting for more to arrive before training his people.  This in all probability, was the deal he had struck with whoever was backing him.  Valerie had a fairly good idea who that was and it was the reason why their information was so good.
    The best option would have been a high level bombing run by the Windsoars, or more appropriately Legion Army Scimitars, the orbital and atmospheric fighter/bomber.  The bosses wanted this done without any noise and without anything to lead them to the Pantheon, which meant boots on the ground.  Her plan allowed for the possibility of those weapons.  They would go in carefully and silently, killing off as many of the guards as possible, before the base was alerted.  If they faced high tech weaponry, Shadow Company carried the fire power to deal with it.
    With what they faced clear in her mind, Valerie activated her com and switched to the channel that included all of the senior officers.  “Company this is Lead.  Target is free of vehicle movement and the landing zones are clear.  We are going with plan Alpha.  Sound off, platoons.”
    “Lead this is Two.”  Captain Forlani answered first.  “Second Platoon is ready to go.”
    “Lead this is Three.”  Lieutenant Pavel Vobruba said.  “Third Platoon is ready to deploy.”
    “Lead this is Four.”  Next was Lieutenant Nicki Palicki.  “Fourth Platoon is fully prepped, Major.”
    “Lead this is Five.”  Lieutenant Lucy Aycox, replied last. “Fifth Platoon is ready to go and all of the platoon’s Armour is showing green and ready to deploy.”   The tall, bodybuilder was in command of the Company’s only platoon equipped with the Fully Powered Battle Armour and would be held in reserve.  For this mission they would be the sledgehammer Valerie would prefer not to use if she could help it. 
    “Excellent.”  Switching channel, Valerie set it to the Company wide net.  “OK, Shadow Company.  As far as

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