Rebecca's Refusal
the detail in them when the door opened. She turned round . . . and saw George Lacy enter the room.
    'Mr Lacy!' she exclaimed. She was not pleased to see him. Of all the guests at the ball, he was the one she least wanted to see. Especially now, when she had been hoping for a few minutes peace.
    'Miss Fossington,' he replied.
    He did not seem surprised to see her and his attitude, as though he had expected to find her there, made her feel on edge. She examined him warily. Of middle height, he appeared to be about forty years of age. He was well dressed, his striped yellow waistcoat contrasting with his blue tailcoat and his white linen, but even so, there was a sharp look in his eye.
    1 was just about to return to the ballroom,' she said. Her aunt's warnings were clear in her mind, and she was determined to leave the room at once. But as she passed him on the way to the door he suddenly lunged at her. His arms wrapped themselves round her like steel wires and she smelt the rancidness of his breath as he tried to fasten his mouth on hers. His action was as shocking as it was unexpected, and in horror Rebecca pushed him away.
    'Come now, no need to play the innocent,' he said insinuatingly. He approached her again. 'Just a little kiss, that's all I ask.'
    To her annoyance, Rebecca found that she was shaking. 'Have you taken leave of your senses?' she demanded, rapidly regaining control of herself. She drew herself up and said, with as much authority as she could muster, 'Let me pass.'
    'Quite the little actress, aren't we?' he sneered. But I know what you really are. That virtuous pose won't wash with me.'
    He lunged at her again, and this time he managed to clamp his lips to her own. She shut her mouth firmly and stamped down hard on his foot.
    He let out a cry of rage. It had the fortunate effect of making his mouth leave hers, but then he lunged for her again. She backed away. She fumbled behind her in an effort to grasp one of the candlesticks that stood on the mantelpiece. It would make an effective weapon. But just as her fingers closed around it the door opened and Joshua was revealed in the doorway.
    It took Joshua only a second to take in what was happening and then he was across the room and lifting Lacy bodily away from Rebecca, before turning and depositing him none too gently on the ground again. Joshua's bulk was now between Lacy and Rebecca, protecting her from any further attack.
    You're a damned cur, Lacy,' he snarled. ‘I suggest you apologize to the lady at once.'
    He stepped aside so that Lacy could do so, watching him all the time to make sure that he did not try to attack Rebecca again. But instead of complying, Lacy only flicked the lace at his wrists and straightened his cravat. Then he jeered, 'Lady? Oh, no, Kelling, I don't think so.'
    He looked from Joshua to Rebecca and back again. He was beginning to regain his confidence now that Joshua had let him go, and he continued more boldly. 1 knew I'd seen her somewhere before but I couldn't think where. And then it came back to me. When I saw her dancing with you, I realized I'd seen the two of you together, and then I remembered where it was. It was at The Nag's Head.'
    Rebecca felt her spirits sink.
    'Looking a bit smarter than the last time I saw you, aren't you?' sneered Lacy, warming to his theme. You were wearing nothing but breeches then, if I remember correctly. Not the sort of sight for a 'lady', eh? Kelling? And Rebecca . . . She was more chastely dressed, 111 admit, but I don't suppose that state of affairs existed for very long, did it? Not after I heard you asking her to share your bed. A pity I didn't get to see the finale; that would have been something! I only got to see the opening act. Still, it was enough.' He rubbed his bruised arm. You wanted to conduct your little affair in secret, didn't you? You thought you could go out to The Nag's Head and have the lady' in your room with no one being the wiser. But you were wrong. Because I was

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