Rebel Heart

Rebel Heart by Barbara McMahon Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Rebel Heart by Barbara McMahon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barbara McMahon
Tags: The Harts of Texas Book 1
ignoring her protest. “Like fine silk or soft, baby duck down.” Combing through the soft tresses with his fingers, he rubbed a strand between his forefinger and thumb, let it slip through. Again and again he threaded his fingers through, letting the soft, dark hair cascade across his palm, slip through his fingers. Slowly Jase brought his head closer, until his breath mingled with hers, softly wafted across her cheeks.
    “It’s as soft as your lips,” he whispered, touching his to hers lightly. He moved back and forth, barely touching her, the light caress as potent as the kiss they’d shared in the office.
    Shannon began to shiver in anticipation. Business, business, business echoed in her mind as her mouth opened to his sweet assault. While intellectually she knew there was no future between them, her body craved his touch like a rose craved the sun’s. Just for a moment she’d give in to the craving, then resist. One last kiss, just for a moment.
    The kiss deepened and Jase braced them against the fence, his mouth roamed over hers, then left her warm, swollen lips to trace tiny kisses across her satiny cheeks, along her eyelids, to bury against her neck and trail hot kisses to the pulse point of her throat.
    “You, darlin’, pack more kick than a Brahma bull,” Jase said against her skin. “I thought we were going to keep this businesslike.”
    “We are.” She pushed back, hoping desperately that her gaze didn’t look as starry-eyed as she felt. Her blood raced through her, her breathing came hard and fast. She tested her knees to make sure they’d hold her before pulling out of his embrace.
    “We are,” she repeated, trying to convince herself.
    “Yeah, I can see that.” He grinned at her. “Want to go riding?”
    “No! And you’re not going, either. Someone has to think of your ribs. If you won’t, I will.”
    “I’ll be fine. Sitting up on Shadow’s no more dangerous than sitting in the chair in your office. Probably a sight more comfortable. Relax, Shannon. I won’t ride tonight. But tomorrow, I’m riding out. You can come with me or let me find things on my own.”
    “All right, bossy. I’ll go,” she said petulantly.
    He chuckled, rubbing his knuckles across her chin. “You stick that out all the time. What are you trying to prove?”
    “That’s right, Half Pint, you don’t have anything to prove.” He put his arm around her shoulders and turned them toward the ranch house.
    Shannon walked along, seething. Her hair swirled around her, unconfined in the evening breeze. His hand was heavy on her shoulder, sending tingling shafts of electricity surging throughout her. Walking wasn’t easy as they moved together, his steps made smaller to match hers.
    “Jase, you have to stop touching me all the time,” she said once she thought she could control her voice. “I’m not some doll for you to play with.”
    “I never thought you were. We’re business partners, right?”
    “Yes, but that doesn’t include touching.” She tried to make her voice firm, certain.
    “Don’t you like my touch?”
    That was the whole problem. She did like his touch. She more than liked it. He drove her crazy with yearnings she’d thought long ago buried. She had standards that were important to her and he tried her at every turn. He had to stop!
    “I like touching you. I like it when you touch me,” he said slowly, the words seeping through her like a soft caress.
    “But it can’t go anywhere,” she said softly.
    “So we enjoy what we can. Lighten up, Shannon. It’s only kisses.”
    Only kisses. She felt every one to her toes. She almost melted in a puddle whenever he was around. She’d only known him for two days, for goodness sake. What was the matter with her? She was an adult. She could handle it.
    He pulled open the door to the kitchen and ushered her in.
    “I’ll be in the office. There are more of those feed invoices to verify. Once that’s done,

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