Rebirth of the Seer

Rebirth of the Seer by Peter W. Dawes Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Rebirth of the Seer by Peter W. Dawes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Peter W. Dawes
Tags: Fantasy, Paranormal
the time. My humanity may be in control now, but even when I lay upon the floor of that coven, I succumbed to the siren call of my dark side and until Lydia’s talisman called me back.”
    “But you came back.”
    I frowned. “The next time I might not. You do not understand what I was being enticed to do by Sabrina. I would have defiled my only friend to do her bidding. I would have liked it; loved it, in fact. I once told Rose I would make her a trinket in my pocket – well, I would have worn you like a coat.” This time my gaze was the severe one, meeting hers in an expression meant to penetrate into the marrow. “I will not become that monster, not without someone who would put me to death if I became a tyrant once more. You are the sole person with the ability to either coax me back to my senses or end me should the monster resist being caged.”
    “Flynn,” Monica said, the color escaping her face in some small measure . “I don’t think you’ll have that problem any longer. You’re a seer now. If you turn evil again – trust me when I say this – the Order’s trigger finger will be itchier than mine. They’re not about to let someone as powerful as you running around without a conscience.”
    “I do not trust their ability.”
    “ Well, trust this much : from this point forward the game has changed and you and I have to be prepared to play it.”
    I could not issue a rebuttal. Our conversation gradually relaxed and I swore to her, after a great deal of prodding, I would flee to safety and leave her to the Order’s judgment should the worst come to pass. She smiled at me and said, “Now was that so difficult?” but I suspected she knew already what course of action I would take. It led me to wonder if she forced me to swear the promise merely to soothe her own conscience.
    I simply wished it would not have resulted in her brush with death.
    “Next time, we must be mindful of elders wielding stakes, my dear ,” I said, shifting away from the memory and returning to my hospital vigil. My now-informed watched rested under the haze of sedatives, looking as though t he very shadows she feared had come to claim her . I fought against the temptation to remain by her side, especially upon catching sight of the clock. After all she had done, I would be doing her a disservice in risking my death.
    So, I indulged another steadying breath and exhaled i t slowly as I strolled to her bed side. Reaching for her hand, I wrapped my fingers around it and gave it a subtle squeeze. “Rest. I shall be close at hand. And Fates help whoever would mean you ill should they harm you in your sleep.” With that, I released her hand and slowly, walked in the direction of the door.
    The cavalcade of humanity waited on the other side, a familiar hum gaining volume as the morning shift filtered in for the day. I passed doctors and nurses, becoming aware I would be spending my time in their constant presence. The prospect both unnerved me and piqued my interest, presenting both a challenge and a classroom to me so long as we could avoid the Order. Shrugging, I wandered off to locate a suitable resting place and allow my tired mind reprieve.

Chapter Four
    “I have a theory, witch. Tell me if this is true,” I s poke to Monica while sitting with my feet propped up on her hospital bed. “I believe you got yourself injured merely to force me to consort with humanity. Am I correct?”
    Monica lay still, asleep in a drug-induced coma just as she had been for the past few days. Still, I could envision her response, the playful mischief in her eyes as I voiced my assertion. There would be a wise crack or clever retort issued; something along the lines of it being ‘good for me.’ I would respond simply by scowling at her.
    Even lacking her response, I found myself leaning an elbow against the arm of the chair and resting my chin on my palm. Heaviness settled on my soul, pouring its way through my lips. “When I was merely

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