him fill her, stretch her, until she thought she would rip in two. Instead, her sex yielded to him, muscles relaxing until she was completely impaled on him, and still in one piece.
With her hands resting on his chest, she began to move. Circling her hips, lifting and then lowering herself, she took all that he offered her and then made him beg for more. His mouth opened and he called her name, his hips lifting off the floor to meet her stroke for stroke. Kira tensed, her sex gripping him tighter, and then he exploded, losing control. Feeling a rush of joy as he filled her with his essence, she milked him of everything he had before she finally crashed over the edge to float above the Earth with him.
Chapter Eleven - Cole
They had slept together all night: now the new day was here, or was it all a dream? How could this morning be so different from the last? Only the dull ache in his shoulder reminded him of the gunshot wound; the rest of him was filled with euphoria.
“How does it feel?” she asked him, her head on his chest, her fingers stroking the skin around the bandage.
“Incredible.” He took hold of her fingers and kissed them.
“I mean your wound,” she said, giving him a playful slap.
“So did I.” He turned to look at her. “It hurts, not so much as it did. But it reminds me of how lucky I was to find you. The scar it leaves will remind me of the day we met. The day I finally found my mate.”
She kissed him, and he slid his tongue along her lower lip, and then bit the soft flesh gently. His wolf was so close, wanting to smell their mate, to feel her next to him as they ran through the meadows. Soon .
His shoulder would have to heal a little bit more first, or she would run rings around him and he had his pride. Even if, for the love of his mate, he would do anything she asked of him.
“I need to get up. I have things to do, and we need to eat.” She grabbed her robe and got out of bed. He lay back and watched her as she moved around the room, going to the window and looking out at the weather and then smiling at him as she headed for the bathroom.
“I wondered if we could go over to Fara’s today,” he asked when she came back in and began to get clean clothes out of the closet.
“Why?” she asked, pulling a T-shirt on, covering up her wonderfully curvy body. Maybe he should have insisted they stay around the house and she lavish lots of tender, loving care on him. And sex. Tender, loving sex.
“I wanted to take a look at the damage to her place and plan what I can do to help. I might even get my brothers involved. We could repair the damage so much quicker if we worked together.”
“That’s a great idea. Fara needs the work done, that’s for sure.”
“I could do with a shower first, if that’s OK?” he asked.
“Sure. Help yourself. First I should check your wound.” She came and knelt on the bed next to him, the scent of her assailing his mind, making him close his eyes and lodge it in his brain along with all the other favourite things he stored there. Like the memory of his mom.
She had died giving birth to Sol, when Cole was too young to fully understand what was happening. There was only one real, concrete memory he had of her. Just the one that he knew was fact and not his mind making it up. One Christmas, when he was four, he asked Santa for a train. They were very poor, now he thought about it. They couldn’t have been exiled from Wolf Valley for long and she was heavily pregnant; he could picture her with her big, baby-filled belly. Sol .
Somehow his mom had got the money together and bought him not just a train, but a train set with track and carriages. It was his most favourite thing; he still had one of the trains tucked away in the bottom of his closet. Throughout the day, she had sat and played with him. Making noises, bringing it to life. That was one of his favourite days. He had felt loved, unconditionally.
Until Kira, there hadn’t been one to
Fran Striker, Francis Hamilton Striker