scream at her that I was attacked, but I can’t imagine that conversation would go well. She’d probably just make fun of me.
    I shake my head at her and make my way to the counter. Behind it, I drop down on a chair, prop my feet up, and open my book.
    I can’t concentrate on what I’m reading. Instead the scenarios repeat themselves over and over again in my head. It doesn’t matter how much I scrutinize them, they make no sense. They no longer feel real at all.
    It may be minutes or hours later, I’ve lost complete track of time, but when Rochelle begins repetitively clearing her throat, I realize that my limbs are still trembling.
    I’m about to flash an annoyed look her way, but notice the guy standing there. The one who saved me—if just showing up can constitute saving someone—earlier today. I’m not sure if I’m more surprised to see him there or at Rochelle’s behavior. It’s not like her to be so inconspicuous as to clear her throat. She should spout off some snarky comment or something. I glance at her. From the way she’s staring at the guy, it becomes obvious she thinks he’s hot. I bring my attention back to him without really looking at him.
    “Are you stalking me?” I try to sound bored, but the words send my heart rate soaring. Why else would he be here? He’s with the attacker. He wasn’t actually going to save me after all.
    I try to be inconspicuous as I take a few deep breaths to calm myself down. I have no reason to believe this of him. This sort of paranoia will just feed my suddenly abundant mental issues.

    “Why would you think that? I’m as surprised to see you here as you are to see me. Is everything okay? You seemed like you were in trouble.”
    “No, no trouble. Everything was under control. But thanks. You helped.”
    “What happened?”
    “Look, it isn’t really any of your business.” Her abrasive tone seemed false on her tongue. She had something on her mind and I needed to know what it was. “Is there something I can do for you? Are you here for a reason?”
    “I was wondering if I could get some help choosing some—” I should have taken a better inventory of the store beforehand. I looked around trying to see what I would need help with and my eyes focused on the eyewear display case, “Sunglasses.”
    She looked at me with her brows furrowed. She shook her head in confusion. Before I knew it, the other salesgirl was assisting me. She was pretty; long, dark, wavy hair, olive skinned, large brown eyes, and she smiled at me, flashing perfect white teeth.
    The pretty salesgirl nodded at me to follow her. I backed away from odd-girl, and complied.
    “I’m Rochelle,” the salesgirl introduced herself.
    “Hi.” I probably should have returned the introduction but I was distracted. She unlocked the glass case and I picked a pair of sunglasses at random. I tried them on and looked in the mirror.
    “Maybe not those,” I said.
    “No, no. I think they look great on you,” she said.
    That was good enough for me. When it came to dressing myself, I didn’t really know or care about how to proceed.
    Odd-girl looked up from her book. I needed to talk to her.
    “All right, thank you.” I tried to make my way to the cash register, but she was still talking to me.
    “Well, if you aren’t sure, you can always try these on. I bet they would look hot on you.”
    I wasn’t certain I wanted to appear hot or if my appearance was of any consequences whatsoever, and regardless, I only wanted to make my way to the cash register. She continued in her attempt to have me reconsider my decision and I wondered what strange tactics salespeople employed these days.
    “No, these are fine,” I told her.
    Salesgirl Rochelle rushed ahead of me on the way to the cash register. “I’ll see you at the cash then.”
    She was nice but she held no interest for me, just an insignificant mortal. I had an important purpose.
    “She looks like she should be able to handle

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