Redemption (Enigma Black Trilogy Book #3)

Redemption (Enigma Black Trilogy Book #3) by Sara Furlong-Burr Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Redemption (Enigma Black Trilogy Book #3) by Sara Furlong-Burr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sara Furlong-Burr
likely that was an answer I really didn’t want to know. In front of the green screen, a camera stood mounted, complete with teleprompter. From the body of the camera, a cord ran haphazardly across the floor, eventually connecting to a laptop. In front of that laptop, Cameron sat engrossed in whatever program he had open on his screen.
    “It figures Victor would have his shadow overseeing everything,” I said sardonically.
    “Aw, I missed you too, Celaine,” Cameron replied without looking up from the keyboard. “Tell you what, after you’re done addressing the nation, you and I will blow this place and play catch-up together.”
    “As tempting as that offer sounds,” I rolled my eyes as I answered him, “I think I’m going to have to respectfully decline. Besides, I wouldn’t want to take you away from your usual afternoon activities, seeing as how you’re being charged a dollar ninety-nine per minute.”
    “That’s okay. I always knew I was too much man for you to handle anyway.”
    Ian rolled his eyes, joining me where I stood next to the camera. “It all seems so simple,” I said quietly. “One lone camera in an empty room; a confirmation to the public that their very own superhero is still alive. Yet I know it’s anything but simple. One word, one phrase, one misguided declaration could cause irreparable harm to so many innocent people.”
    “Good morning,” Victor said behind us.
    “Maybe it is for you,” I said without turning around to acknowledge him.
    “Now, now, you truly are making a mountain out of a mole hill. All I’m asking for is just a few minutes of your time, and then you can go back to your life.”
    “What life is that exactly, Victor? One where I’m made to carry out orders that go against everything I believe in?”
    “Choices, Ms. Stevens. You had the choice, and this is the life you chose.”
    “Did I? Did I really have a choice? Because the way I understand it, if I hadn’t chosen to come here, I would have been shot.”
    “What?” Ian asked incredulously.
    “And during the length of our program, we’ve only had to dispose of two people in that manner,” Victor answered coldly. “Just two out of the eleven people we approached declined our offer, and had to be prevented from talking. Overall, I would say those are pretty good odds, making us all but certain that anyone we confronted would be agreeable to joining us and our cause, including you.”
    “The mere fact that you think the deaths of two people constituted good overall odds tells me everything about your character I ever needed to know.”
    “And the fact that you can’t see why those deaths were crucial in the long run speaks volumes to your naiveté. Death is only a tragedy if one cannot find a way to benefit from it. Now, Ms. Stevens, I have a tight schedule today, and I think we can both agree that neither one of us wants to be in this room any longer than necessary.”
    Disgusted, I stepped in view of the camera, situating myself in front of the green screen. As though sensing my presence, the camera came to life. A green light glowed brightly on its side panel, and the screen of the teleprompter came into view. Off to the side, I noticed Cameron working at his laptop and surmised that he was controlling the camera through the cord that connected it to the machine.
    “Get ready. She’s going live in just under a minute,” Cameron announced.
    I glanced up at Ian, who watched me intently in the hope that something, anything would come to me. For the words I was about to speak, whatever they were, would be responsible for even more death and destruction. Deaths that would only benefit Brooks that much more; deaths of the innocent, of those just trying to recapture the lives they had once known and believed were still possible.
    It was still possible, and I wouldn’t lead them to believe anything different.
    “Celaine,” Cameron said, “you may begin talking in three, two, one, go.”
    I looked

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