Redemption Rains
and then dipped his head to touch his lips to hers. It was nothing
but a quick peck, given to keep up the appearance of a happily
married couple.
    “That was for remembering my name,”
Devin whispered to her, a wry smile playing at those lips. “Now
close your mouth before I am tempted to do more than just
    Elizabeth was stunned, not just from
his sudden actions, but from the effect that little “peck” had on
her. The fire started at her lips and traveled throughout her body
with intense tingling sensations.
    She clamped her mouth shut, a blush
steeling into her cheeks again. This is crazy, if she didn’t stop
it she would probably over heat from a perpetual blush constantly
filling her face and body. How would she explain that to the bell
boy who was watching attentively?
    Devin turned to the boy, handing him a
tip and directing him to the door. “Thank you for your help, but I
think that my wife and I would like to be alone now,” the lecherous
smile Devin was wearing was completely shocking and had quite an
effect on Elizabeth’s knees which were growing weaker by the
    The bellboy looked at Devin with awe,
“No problem sir. If you need anything just ring the concierge,”
this was said just as the door was closing in his face. Devin
turned the lock and headed back into the room.
    “Well, if you don’t mind, I think I
will hit the shower,” the detective facade had dropped back into
place without a blink. He reached into his luggage grabbing what
looked like a shaving kit and walked into the bathroom. “Do not
answer the phone, open the door or stick your head out of the
window. Okay?” His tone was condescending and lit Elizabeth’s
    “I am not two, Detective Kane,”
Elizabeth said. “I would appreciate it if you would treat me like I
have some sense.” She raised her chin in defiance.
    He looked at her blandly with raised
brows. “As soon as you start showing since, I will take that
request into consideration.”
    She huffed in exasperation and stomped
over to the pile of cases looking for something to throw at
    Ignoring her outburst he continued, “I
won’t be long in here so why don’t you unpack. It has been an
exhausting two days for both of us and I think that we could use
the rest.” He slammed the door shut before she could launch the
small overnight bag at his head.
    That abominable man; he was a beast.
She hated him. How was she going to live with him in this room for
an undetermined amount of time without killing him or at least
destroying every object in sight that wasn’t nailed down? On this
thought she picked up the pillow resting on the settee at the foot
of the bed and hurled it at the closed bathroom door.
    With most of her energy and anger
expended, she sat down on the settee and studied her surroundings
for the first time since she had entered the room. It was
outrageous, beautiful, but simply outrageous. The walls were done
in a pink silk material that shimmered. The plush cream carpet that
lined the room from wall to wall had to be at least ankle deep.
Each window was draped with velvety pink and cream chiffon that
stretched from the ceiling and landed in big fluffy piles on the
carpeted ground. There was an antique guilt desk and chair, and the
two matching settees covered in the same pink material that made of
the velvety drapes. But it was the beautiful vanity with several
antique bottles placed on its glass surface, which caught E’s
attention. She walked over and picked up one of the bottles
removing the stopper. The smell was provocative but overpowering,
much stronger than the perfume that E normally chose to wear. She
sealed the bottle and placed it back on the vanity.
    It was definitely the honeymoon suite
and nothing said it better than the extra-large bed that took up
ninety percent of the room. The color scheme was carried out in the
pink coverlet, the fluffy pillows in pink and cream which adorned
the bed and the creamy,

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