Relentless Lord
desperate breath.
    He did not let up his assault and lowered his mouth to her throat. Gripping her buttocks in both hands, he lifted her against him. Her legs parted naturally around his hips as her breasts came nearly level with his face.
    “Ah,” he said raggedly, his warm breath bathing her collarbone just before he dipped his chin to draw the hardened tip of one breast deep into the hot cavern of his mouth. The thin layer of her soaked chemise was no barrier against the dance of his wicked tongue over her nipple.
    Again, the contrast between his body heat and the chill of her skin roused sensations that strained for expression. She wrapped her arms around his head, cradling him to her breast as she tightened her thighs around his hips.
    Suddenly, she sympathized with all the young ladies who had come before her to be ruined so thoroughly by this man.
    Just as quickly as that thought formed, another followed in its wake.
    She did not want to be another in a long line of his conquests.
    With immense reluctance, she released her hold about his head and shoulders. She brought her legs down along his.
    He did not cease the assault of his mouth, even when he tightened his hands on her rear in resistance to her retreat. She eased her hands against his shoulders. This time, he did not ignore her.
    He lifted his head with a low growl and allowed her body to slide down his until her toes met the sandy bottom of the pool.
    Looking into her eyes with his emerald gaze, he offered a gentle smile.
    “Too much?” he asked with a quirk of his brow.
    She gave a stiff nod. “Quite.”
    “You realize this has only just begun,” he said.
    “Begun and ended, my lord,” Hannah said with conviction. Now that she knew how far he was willing to go—how far she had been willing to go—she was not going to allow anything like this happen again.
    “Are you certain?”
    She tensed at the sardonic confidence in his tone, but she was not able to prepare her resistance when he lifted his hands to cradle her face and brought his mouth to hers once more.
    Against her will, she arched into him, tipping her head back against the rock to allow him full access. As he staked his claim over the deep recesses of her mouth, coaxing her tongue into play, Hannah curled her hands into fists in the wet material of his shirt. A moan reverberated from her chest.
    When he finally ended the kiss, she said nothing. Just opened her eyes and flattened her hands again to give a solid shove.
    He stepped back and she dove swiftly to the side. She swam across the pool in long strokes until she reached the spot where she had dropped her clothes.
    Without glancing back at him, she pulled herself from the pool and began the process of wringing the excess water from her chemise and hair before drawing her dry gown over the top. Hopefully, the sun would remain strong on the walk back to the house, allowing any remaining moisture to dry up. For her hair, she finger-combed it and then braided its length before coiling it atop her head and tucking in the end. With the bonnet replaced, no one would know it was not how she had worn it earlier.
    She refused to glance back at Lord Whitely even though she suspected quite strongly by the heat traveling over her skin that he watched her rather intently.
    Only when she sat on a nearby rock to replace her shoes did she lift her gaze to him.
    He stood where she had left him, his arms crossed over his chest, his mouth—the sight of which sent tingles through her low belly—curved into a careless grin.
    “I have got you, Hannah. There is no getting out of this.”
    She assumed he meant his vow to seduce her.
    Standing with her head high, she allowed her gaze to travel over the parts of him she so admired. His handsome face, broad masculine shoulders and muscled arms. She even took a moment to direct her gaze to a point beneath the surface of the water where she suspected he burned for her still, just as she did in the hollow, aching

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