Reminding The SEAL (Navy SEAL Military Romance)
She’d called his cell phone and it was unreachable. Rosa answered the house phone and Caroline almost went crazy not being able to tell anyone that her fiancé was alive.
    Mike was supposed to have dinner with her, should she tell him? No, she thought. She’d never talked about Demetri to Mike before. It might seem weird suddenly bringing it up. She’d have to wait until Jacob arrived the following morning to help her sort things out. In the meantime, she needed to make sure Demetri was checked by a doctor and that he was eating properly.
    * * * *
    “You seem distracted,” Mike observed.
    They were seated at a private table in a small gazebo on the lawn of the resort. She wanted to tell Mike but didn’t know how. All she could think about was her fiancé. What if he never remembers her? What could she do to help him remember? Would he be willing to come stay in the resort? Should she have left him in that shack?
    “I’m sorry Mike. I have to go somewhere,” she stood.
    Mike grabbed her hand as she moved away from their table. “You can tell me what’s bothering you, Caroline,” he said. “I can see something is troubling you.”
    “I have to go to someone,” she said. The tears she’d been holding back breaking free, flowing down her cheeks.
    “I’m coming with you,” Mike said.
    “I have to go alone,” she wasn’t sure showing up with a man was the right thing to do.
    Mike gripped both her shoulders, “I can’t let you go anywhere on this island by yourself, let alone at night, in this condition. Now, tell me what happened so I can help you.”
    “He’s alive!” the words choked from her.
    Mike’s face twisted in confusion and then his eyes widened. “Your fiancé?” he asked. Caroline looked up at him questioningly. “Jacob mentioned it.”
    “Yes, he’s alive,” she mumbled.
    “Are you sure?”
    Caroline took a deep breath and looked into the baby blue eyes of the man before her. “I saw him and spoke to him today.”
    “What? He’s here, in Viti Levu?” Mike’s voice sounded incredulous. She nodded her assent. “Then, where is he?”
    “That’s where I’m going now,” she replied. Suddenly, she felt weak and her knees almost gave way. Mike pulled her against him and hugged her. She rested her head on his shoulder and let the tears run free.
    “Shhh, it’s going to be alright,” he murmured against her hair. “Everything is going to be alright.”
    Caroline didn’t want him to let her go. She felt safe and comfortable with him. What did that mean? She wondered. Was he just a friend? Was she liking him more than she realized? All she knew was that she was grateful that he was there because she could not handle this alone. Slowly, she pushed away from him and wiped her face.
    “I’m okay,” she croaked. “I have to go see him.”
    “Let’s go,” Mike took her elbow and allowed her to lead him down the beach.
    There were fires from the resort, other buildings, and people on the beach which allowed them to see clearly. When they reached the shack, there were two people sitting around a fire in the yard, Demetri and a woman. Demetri looked up and saw her. There was a glint in his hazel eyes as they traveled over her. Then, he looked over at Mike and back at her.
    “You came back,” he growled.
    “I wanted to make sure you were okay,” Caroline said, looking at the woman.
    She had long black hair and it was obvious she was a native by the deep honey complexion and dark eyes. Only, she was beautiful. She sat with her legs crossed and looked up at Caroline questioningly.
    “Why?” Demetri’s voice made her look back at him. “As you can see, I’m fine.”
    “Why are you being like this?” she moved towards him, but he held his hand up to stop her.
    “I’ve been here a month and then suddenly some strange woman walks up to me and says I’m her fiancé. Don’t you find that a little strange? Where’s the proof of who you say you are? How do you prove I am

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