Reno's Gift (Mob Boss Series)

Reno's Gift (Mob Boss Series) by Mallory Monroe Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Reno's Gift (Mob Boss Series) by Mallory Monroe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mallory Monroe
woman.   Even a married woman in
love.   They knew how to be attentive and
oh-so-kind, and to wait patiently for just that right moment when there was
trouble in paradise, and then they’d pounce.  
that didn’t mean he was giving Trina’s ass a pass either, he thought, as he and
his son made their way to the car.   He
was definitely going to deal with her.   Definitely.   But when he saw Jody
take his hand from behind her headrest and place it on her shoulder, as if he
was already getting impatient with the progress, Reno’s deliberation became
deliberate speed.   Trina always joked
that Reno walked in that one-leg-slung-out-in-front-of-the-other-leg motion as
if his dick was too heavy to carry, but he knew she would change her tune if
she saw how quickly he made it up to that car right now.
could hear them laughing at some joke as he approached.   They were so into each other, it seemed to
Reno, that neither one of them saw or heard him until he was literally standing
at Trina’s door.
Trina was surprised and, he also noticed, a little annoyed to see him, it was
the man, playing the big man in Reno’s opinion, that spoke first.
I help you?” Jody asked.
    “May you help me ?” Reno responded with incredulity in his voice, as if he
couldn’t believe the nerve of that guy.   “Yeah, you can help me, pal.   You
can help me by taking your hand off of my wife.   That’s how you can help me.”
Parks immediately removed his sunglasses.   “Oh, Reno,” he said with a smile.   “I didn’t recognize you.”
knew better than that, but he let it slide.   Especially since Jody immediately removed   his hand from Trina’s shoulder.
been a minute since I last saw you, man.   What’s up, Ree?”
could ask you that same question,” Reno said.   “What’s up with you?   What’s your
smile left.   He took exception to Reno’s
tone.   “We were just talking, man,” he
pointed out.
and touching, yeah, I can see that.”
Trina quickly interrupted before the testosterone overtook both men.   Then she, too, had to calm back down.   She wasn’t exactly thrilled to see that Reno
was “checking” on her again.   She looked
at her husband.   “What are you doing
is Parks doing here, that’s what I wanna know?”
is that supposed to mean?   We were going
over the books and decided to take a break and go to lunch.   Jody’s our accountant now,” she said.
Reno,” Jody said.   “I own my own
accounting firm, remember?   That’s the
department I ran for you.   Accounting.   Or have you
forgotten?   But then age does that to
you, doesn’t it?”
looked at her companion.   “Watch it,
Jody,” she said.   “That’s my husband
you’re talking to.”
quickly put on his best charming smile and threw his hands in the air.   “Just joking,” he said.
Reno said as he began opening the passenger door.   “I’ve got your jokes, all right.”   Then he looked at his wife.   “Let’s go,” he said.
looked at him.   “What?”
    “Out.   Now,” he ordered.
    “But we’re
still talking.”
said get the fuck out now!   What part of
that don’t you understand, Trina?   Now
means now!”
was angry by Reno’s heavy-handedness, especially in front of somebody she
considered a friend.   But she wasn’t
about to mix it up with her own husband in front of anybody, especially since
she knew she would lose that battle every time.    She got out of the car.
can at least finish my work on the books I hope,” Jody said to her as she
Trina started to say, but Reno interrupted her.
you cannot,” he said.   “Your services at
this boutique are no longer necessary.”
was livid.   It was one thing for Reno to
handle her, but he had no

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