Rescued (Navy SEALS Romance Book 1)

Rescued (Navy SEALS Romance Book 1) by Rachel Hanna Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Rescued (Navy SEALS Romance Book 1) by Rachel Hanna Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Hanna
the controls.
    Nice kisses.
    He hadn't said anything about seeing her again though.

    I t had been rather confused and confusing when it came time for everyone to get off the chopper in San Diego. The vehicles would be taken to a Ranger Station once the fire was out and the danger passed.
    In San Diego at the tiny beach house that passed for the offices of SEArch & Rescue.
    She knew where he worked.
    It wouldn't be that hard to find him again.
    She wouldn't even have to put her life or anyone else's in danger.
    Shut up.

    H e'd kissed her .
    Why the hell had he done that?
    "Boss, you listening?" All five of them were sitting around the conference table, something they'd dragged out of an abandoned hotel before demolitions. Sunshine on his shoulders through the window and the Pacific out there, way too windy and sandy to want to go for a run but damn he was restless. Jake and Angel were talking about Vegas, the contract, the likelihood they'd get it and all he wanted to do was –
    Call her.
    Not going to do that.
    "Not the boss, Angel," he said, voice deceptively lazy. Angel was Latino. Was it a stereotype or a form of prejudice to say he liked to call people boss? Maybe it was just Angel. Beautiful Angel with his cocoa colored skin and perfect dark hair and elegantly sculpted limbs and the scar on his cheek from a run in on that last mission, a scar that girls found sexy.
    Girls didn't find Tanner and his scars sexy.
    They're afraid of you, bro, Tanner's brother had said. You're too fucking pretty.
    Shut up, he'd answered.
    They were, after all, twins, even if Tucker had opted to stay in the Midwest and raise things and have a family. Girls weren't afraid of Tucker.
    He'd kissed Taylor Adams. On the chopper.
    Was it his imagination or had she kissed him back?
    Imagination probably. Or heat of the moment. Even beautiful girls like Taylor Adams were bound to get caught up in the romance after being rescued from a wildfire.
    Didn't matter. Even though he knew her name and where she worked and who her dog was and bunch of other important information, didn't matter. He wasn't going to see her again. She hadn't said anything or responded in any way other than thanking him for saving them, over and over, until he'd blushed.
    He was a Navy SEAL reservist and a search and rescue technician and he was in med school and if that wasn't all enough to scare him away from trying to drag more into his life there was the simple fact that while he didn't understand why girls would be afraid of him.
    He was slightly afraid of them.
    "Call her, Boss," Angel said.
    Shit. His brooding was showing. "Let's talk about blowing stuff up," he said, and not one of them believed the change of subject was authentic.
    After the meeting he went running despite the wind, sand and crashing waves.

    I n the morning Taylor took her laptop out onto the tiny deck and started playing with sites from Authentic Happiness to psych sites that rated the depth of depression, then for kicks took a profile on whether or not she was a multiple personality and, upon finding out she was, wondered how much she could trust the evaluations received from the other sites. She barely had enough personality for one person.
    Going back inside, she made herself an omelet, remembered how much she hated omelets, fed it to Monster and went for a run. The day was windy and the sand kept blowing in her face and all the other runners on the beach including octogenarians and whoever it was that was older than that kept passing her like it was nothing while she slogged along getting nowhere.
    She went home out of sorts and stopped looking at happiness and sadness ratings, stopped looking at dating sites, stopped looking at movie trailers (it had been a welcome distraction earlier) and went to volunteer opportunities.
    One of the first things she found was a new company that used technology to train injured children in the use of artificial limbs. They gamed with them and by distracting the

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