game.” Jason replied.
If nothing else, Dan was sure to provide us with more moments of levity in the year to come. And while Jason seemed to dread every time Dan opened his mouth, I found it all quite entertaining. And if Dan ended up being good at his class and could handle the CC like we hoped, I suspect we would all forgive quite a bit of his quirky personality. I thought this was a good time to get everyone focused back on the game and away from Dan’s antics.
Wayne was thinking along the same lines as myself. “Alright, let’s get back to Port Town and start figuring out where to go from there.”
I didn’t want the guys to start running off on their own. I was looking at this in a very logical and linear way, which I knew would be necessary from the outset. I was loathing to take on the leadership role again, as I told the guys I wanted a lot more inclusion from the group, but I knew I didn’t want us to just run out and start killing mobs either. Yes, leveling was going to be one of our first priorities, but I wanted us to do it smart. Work smarter, not harder I believe is the saying.
We headed back to town, and I saw that I hadn’t spawned all that far from the main gate. The fact that everyone else spawned inside town, and I out in the forest, was still worrying me in the back of my mind. I figured it had something to do with me trying to cancel the download and it not working. All of those error messages must have messed with my spawn point. That was fine when you spawned just outside of the town and nothing attacks you. Not so good if it did so again and I found myself deep in an area with hostile mobs.
As we got closer to the town I saw that there was a wall running around the entirety of the town to the coast line. It was called Port Town after all. There were a few guards out in front of the gate that allowed entry to the town. There were also several players running around fighting bunnies that were numerous just outside the gate. While I was taking all of this in a player ran right past our group yelling “INCOMING!”
I didn’t hesitate. “Run guys. Run now. Head for the gate but try to pass by the guards!”
We hoofed it to the gate, with Wayne slightly ahead of us and gaining ground. I would need to look into that. It was either a racial bonus or due to the amount he put into Strength and Constitution that allowed him to have a faster movement speed than the rest of us.
We arrived just in time as I saw a line of five or six bunnies coming our way. The guards dispatched them in mere seconds. They were starter mobs after all. The Halfling who had run by us approached very sympathetically. “I’m so so sorry guys. I was just trying to see how the mobs would react to me getting close, you know, see if they would aggro. And before I knew it I had a bunch chasing after me.”
The name over his head read “Sayhey.” But I didn’t need to ask who he was. It was Gary from our large group. I could tell because, despite being half as tall, the face looking at me was Gary’s face. It was at this point I looked at Dan, Jason, and Wayne. And just like Gary, they all had their own faces. I imagined mine looked similar as well. Dear lord, AltCon was going to make a fortune off this new technology. Because if you could put Gary’s face on a three-foot-tall Halfling and make it look natural, you could put any face on anybody.
“It’s no problem Gary, these things happen. Thanks for yelling incoming though. I don’t want to see where my respawn point is just yet.” Wayne said. Gary didn’t look surprised at all that we recognized him. “All good guys. Heading back to the others, and I’m sure we will be grouping up soon. Laters!” Gary said as he ran off toward the center of Town.
I was in agreement with Wayne. I did not want to find out where my respawn point was either. Especially since I spawned that first time in the forest. I knew that traditionally when a character dies they will