Resurrecting Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 13)

Resurrecting Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 13) by Julia Mills Read Free Book Online

Book: Resurrecting Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 13) by Julia Mills Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julia Mills
Tags: greek gods, Dragons, Werewolves, shifters, phoenix
to our clan and what better way to do that than with a party?”
    “Your what? A party? Now, wait one minute. I appreciate y’all not leaving me in the ditch like roadkill, especially since you caused my accident, but there’s no need for a party cause I’m not mating your son.”
    Leaning forward, Claire got as close as she could to Sylvia’s face to make sure her intentions were clear, leveled her glare, pushed power into her voice, and continued, “The choice is mine and there is no way in heaven or hell I’d ever have anything to do with the likes of Malick Slade. I’ve promised my fire to the light and that is where it will go.”
    Without batting an eye, Sylvia smiled and chuckled. “Every girl is nervous about her mating day but I’m sure after you’ve gotten to know my Malick, you’ll see he’s the mate for you.”
    Ignoring me will not get you what you want, sister...
    Throwing back the covers, Claire ignored the pain that shot through her back and legs and jumped to her feet. Swaying just a bit but blaming it on her accident, she planted her fists on her hips and, instead of continuing her conversation with Sylvia, took two steps forward and glared at Malick. “We’ve had this conversation. I told you where I stood all those years ago. Hell, I even banned you from my land and put up a magical barrier to keep your mangy ass out. What more does a girl have to do to get her point across? Shoot you in the ass?”
    Malick’s image blurred. Claire shook her head then widened her stance to stay on her feet as the floor shifted under her. The griffin took a step forward. Claire stood her ground as the room started to spin.
    Okay, I shouldn’t have jumped out of bed. 
    Tiny bursts of light flashed in her vision, followed by huge black dots as she tried to stay upright. Claire had to stand her ground. Had to show them who was boss. She would not be pushed around by the likes of these worthless griffins. Rory was her mate. She’d made her choice and they’d damn well abide by it as Lugh had commanded. Besides, there was no way she’d ever be saddled with the man responsible for totaling her favorite bike.
    “Party’s over, asshat.” Claire’s speech was slurred and her vision fading but she powered on. “Give me my clothes and get the hell outta my way. I’ve got places to be and people to save.”
    Stumbling forward, she made it three steps before Malick scooped her into his arms. The thought of slugging him in his smug face was so strong Claire doubled up her fist and swung, but instead of hitting him in the face, she barely tapped his shoulder.
    Moving forward, Malick laid her back on the bed before stepping back. Hurling every curse word she could think of and a few she made up on the spot, Claire tried with all her might to get up, but her body simply refused to cooperate. Her arms and legs felt like lead and moved like rubber.
    Squinting against the ever-growing dimness of her vision, she saw Malick and Sylvia smile at one another. The bastards had drugged her. Just before she lost consciousness, Claire heard the old bitty say, “Give her another dose in two hours then get her dressed. I have enough of the herb to keep her docile until your mating is official.”
    Well, hell...that’s just not fair...

Chapter Four
    “W hat do you mean you lost her?!” What had started as a low growl quickly turned into a roar that not only woke Rory from his drug induced coma, but shook the windows.
    He’d barely gotten to shake the cobwebs from his groggy brain when Max’s bellow joined Rian’s. The only difference was the King was yelling in a mix of English and Spanish that was hard to decipher but thankfully ended with, “How the hell did you do that?!”
    It was the first time Rory had ever heard Max lose his temper. The King of the Big Cats was always calm, cool, and in control. He’d been called Rico Suavé so many times a few of the younger dragons thought that was his name. The youngest

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