Return of the Matka-Zem (The Sorain Chronicles)

Return of the Matka-Zem (The Sorain Chronicles) by Deborah Chanley Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Return of the Matka-Zem (The Sorain Chronicles) by Deborah Chanley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Deborah Chanley
she brushed his blood-matted hair from his closed eyes.
    "Oh, dear Gods, you need help." Tears filled her eyes. At a loss for what to do, she scanned the area in search of help in the dense forest. In her grief, her Gift surged and opened her eyes to her surroundings. Every fiber of her being was alive as her uncontrolled power reached outwards to connect with other life forms around her. She could feel the rush of chlorophyll inside every plant and the rapid heartbeats of the frightened woodland creatures hidden in the surrounding foliage. If it had not been for the years of suppressing her Gift, she doubted she would have managed to control the unchecked energy before she became lost in its intoxication. She focused her thoughts on her predicament and realized she was not alone. She was surrounded by all forms of life, each a living, breathing entity, capable of thought and feeling, willing to help. Not sure what the forest could really do to assist them in their dilemma, she placed the fingertips of her right hand on the ground, closed her eyes and released the energy as she thought of their situation.
    Instantly, the grove swayed and groaned. Branches from the surrounding bushes curled around Thane, gently lifting the wounded man from the ground. They carried him to the water 's edge by passing him from bush to tree. The thunder of the water that she had heard throughout the night came from a large creek that ate its way through the mountainside on its way to the ocean miles away from where they stood.
    " How did I do this?" she asked aloud in fear, astonishment and exhaustion. "What am I?" Watching in amazement, Jane could not believe what was happening before her eyes. Somehow, the energy communicated her needs to the plants and they came to her aid for the third time within a day. She felt a wave of dizziness course through her head, but she pushed aside her tiredness to focus on the warrior.
    The faint screech of a Glauc-tuko echoed off the mountainside and she spun around in fright. The strange man had said the monsters were nocturnal. However, the trees were so dense it was dark enough to be twilight. Trapped by the approaching creatures and the white water behind her, she grabbed the closest stick for a weapon, not fully confident of the forest 's protection.
    To her left, a pine tree shook like a wet dog, causing its brown needles to fall to the ground like rain. With a squeal of surprise, she ducked when the tree exploded. With a crash, half of the trunk fell close to the swift-moving water. To her astonishment, she watched in awe as thousands of insects swarmed the dead tree, chewing the inside to form a makeshift haul. Bushes extended their branches to seal and strengthen the trunk, forming a wooden canoe.
    The urge to hop inside the canoe without hesitation was strong, however, she glanced over her shoulder at the carnage behind her. With a muffled curse, she raced back to the site and searched for provisions. With a sour face, she rummaged through the saddles of the dead horses and gathered the necessary items for survival. She had no idea where they were but, with an educated guess, she assumed they were heading towards the Mackenzie or Yukon River. Both rivers had only a scarce population along their banks and flowed in the opposite direction of where she wanted to go. South, not north was the direction she wanted to head, however the river was their only means of escape and they needed supplies.
    As she made her way back to the canoe, she spied a shiny object partially hidden under a branch. She kicked the stick with her foot and revealed Thane 's sword. She retrieved the instrument of death. The curved sword was heavy and awkward to carry as she ran back to the craft. The grove had already laid the unconscious man inside the hollowed trunk and she hopped in beside him. After inserting the sharp blade into the sheath at Thane's side, she gently tucked her backpack behind the wounded man's head.
    " Thank

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