Right Wolf, Right Time

Right Wolf, Right Time by Marie Harte Read Free Book Online

Book: Right Wolf, Right Time by Marie Harte Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie Harte
warmth. They touched, they shook hands and they hugged. The female cats and foxes in the pride were especially open with their affection, and she wondered again what they might think of her notion to join them.
    Not that she minded the wolves, but her good friends lived together at the catamount ranch. They allowed anyone they liked to join the pride, and they seemed to like her. There she’d feel less burdened to mate. Julia had mentioned how the ranch suited her and her family, and how great it would be if Sophie joined them. There she might fit in being herself, with people who knew the real her.
    “You okay? You’re awfully tense.” Rafe leaned closer as the previews ended and brushed his lips across her cheek. He whispered, “Want to go somewhere else for a while?”
    He nipped her earlobe and she nearly shot out of her chair. A part of her liked the playful bite, but another part of her wanted to gouge out his eyes for attempting to mark her in any way.
    He chuckled. “I knew you had a mean streak buried under all that nice. I like it.”
    How did he know what she’d been thinking? Had he smelled her anger? Seen it in her eyes?
    An oath sounded behind them, followed by a plaintive grumble. “Hey. I can’t see.”
    Oh no. She knew that voice. A glance over her shoulder showed her Burke Chastell and Rachel, his mate, had taken the empty seats directly behind them. The two scowled at Rafe, then turned winsome smiles on Sophie. Their expressions were so in sync they made her laugh.
    “Hey, Sophie. Nice to see you here.” Rachel glanced from her to Rafe and made a small O . “Sorry, Rafe. I thought you were someone else.”
    “Really? Like who?”
    “Ivan. But that can’t be right. He’s bald now, isn’t he?” Burke answered.
    Rachel nodded. To her credit, she didn’t smile. “I heard that it’s taking a while for that ratty nest he called hair to grow back. But hey, the target on his head has faded.”
    Rafe growled low, the vibrations a warning.
    Burke chuckled. “Come off it. He had it coming to him. You don’t insult the pride’s females in front of pride members. That’d be like me telling everyone what a lapdog your albino wolf is. I mean, the last time we tangled, I threw Axel into the bushes and he scraped his head, then went whining back to you about how mean we are. But really, I was just playing. He looked big enough to handle the confrontation.”
    Rafe turned fully around and glared. She could feel his anger like pinpricks against her skin. Odd. She’d never before felt his rage, though she’d smelled it. Her wolf didn’t like it, and she leaned away from him. Thankfully, the seat next to her remained empty.
    “Look, Chastell. I don’t want to do this here with Sophie and your mate present. But anytime you want to play, you let me know. Name the place and time, and I’m there.”
    Rachel grinned and poked her mate in the side. “I told you he wasn’t a wimp. And here you thought he’d be too afraid to meet you outside his territory.”
    “Um, Rachel—” Sophie tried to diffuse the tension.
    Then the sheriff interrupted from behind the Chastells. “Hey. Would you folks keep it down? The movie started, and I’m missing it. Shut up already.”
    Burke muttered something under his breath that had Rachel laughing and Ty calling him a horse’s ass.
    Rafe reluctantly turned back around. She saw claw marks against the wooden arm of the chair between them. “Sorry, Sophie.” He managed a grin. “You sure you want to see this?”
    Stay here, where Burke would no doubt continue to screw with Rafe and annoy him to the point of violence, or leave and be with Rafe all by herself? She had no doubt he intended to take things a step further with her. Should she? She wanted to, badly. But she still hadn’t made her mind up about him. Maybe a kiss or two would help her. Not here, but in the privacy of her own home.
    “Rafe, I—”
    Burke swore and leaned forward again. “You tell that

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