Rise of the Retics
name?” She feared the answer but not nearly as much as she feared not knowing.
    “An excellent question, and one that I believe you deserve an answer to. I suppose this whole situation must be a bit unsettling for you. You see, little one, I know all about you—your name, where you live, what you can do. We have been following you for months. We thought we had more time before the bishop found you, but alas, we were mistaken, and for that I offer my deepest apologies. Luckily, that mistake did not prove fatal, and now I am here. It is my duty as your assigned guardian to protect you. I assure you, my lady, I am very, very good at my job.” 
    The tree spoke with such sincerity and kindness in his voice that Tyranna could not help but feel more at ease. No , she thought , “ that’s exactly what he wants. He’s trying to tempt me; just like in the stories I’ve been taught .” Brother Tychus had indeed taught her very well. She knew how evil creatures worked, how they manipulated your thoughts and feelings and tricked you into giving them your immortal soul . . . or worse. She was too smart for that. She wasn’t about to let him trick her, no matter how nice he seemed. For all she knew he had set up her kidnapping in order to appear like her hero simply to gain her trust. Perhaps it truly was her soul he wanted and not just her bones for a soup. She knew she would have to play this smart if she was going to get out alive.
    “Wh . . . wh . . . who are you?” she finally managed to get out while trying to maintain her composure.
    “Ah, of course. Introductions are certainly in order before we go on. My name is Sir Reginald Branchworth III, first Roune-Knight of the nation of Rosehaven. Most creatures simply call me Sir Reginald or Branchworth the Patient, seeing as both monikers take much less time to say than my full title. I had a niece once—a beautiful little sproutling who was barely older than you are now. She called me “Branchy.” That nickname has stuck for many as well. I like it, but I understand if it’s a bit too informal for you.”
    Reginald smiled down at Tyranna to show he was trying to lighten her mood. It didn’t work, as all she could think about were how quickly his teeth could impale her lithe little body.
    “I have been sent to escort you to a ship anchored just outside the harbor called the Wild Rover . It will then take you on to Rosehaven, a place where those men will never be able to find you again. You have my word as a knight on that.”
    Tyranna listened to each word he said carefully, making sure she would not be tricked by this creature of evil that stood before her. Though she had to admit, she knew of no stories in which monsters pretended to be noble knights who rescued damsels in distress. Not that she was really “damsel” material, but maybe one day if she truly put her mind to it.
    “How do I know you’re here to help me?” she asked skeptically. “And who were those men?”
    She knew by now she should have tried to run and scream for help long ago, but her curiosity had started to impress itself upon her actions.
    “I guess that would be difficult to prove,” Reginald replied with a slight nod. “My deepest apologies if my appearance has unsettled you. Usually one of the more human-looking knights would have been assigned a case such as this. However, with the bishop having found out about you so quickly, time was of the essence and I was the nearest. It was he who sent the men to apprehend you. They are from an organization called the Coalition of the Burning Heart. They are a group of highly trained mercenaries and zealots entrusted with the eradication of all intelligent nonhuman species. If you will just trust me enough to continue walking toward the docks, I promise I will explain as much as I can on the way. You must realize that if I wanted to harm you, I certainly could have done it already.” Somehow Reginald managed to look sincere despite smiling

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