
Rocked by Clara Bayard Read Free Book Online

Book: Rocked by Clara Bayard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Clara Bayard
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, Adult, music
turned my brain to mush just as much as Joe's kisses. I'd read too much into a simple attraction and was paying the price.
    As I handed out burgers and fries and collected money I resolved to stop fantasizing about what could be and deal with what was. Kelly had promised to stop by later which was great. She and Darrell would keep my spirits up and I would be fine.
    Around eight o'clock the diner emptied. A sense of calm came over me and I went about my work, thinking about nothing but the next task on my list. When a flash of memory of Joe's hands on my body came I pushed it away. If I caught a glimpse of concern on Darrell's face I made a silly face and shimmied across the floor to make him smile.
    When Kelly came in I'd convinced myself everything was fine and I greeted her with genuine happiness.
    "Sorry I'm late," she said, sliding into a booth. "I need a million cups of coffee."
    "You got it." I poured her one and put it down on the table. "What's up?"
    "I'm so behind on stuff, Liss. It's terrible. I've got a ton of reading." She pulled two huge textbooks out of her bag and plopped them on the table.
    "Ouch. Well I'll leave you to it. Hungry?"
    "Always." She tucked her long red hair behind her ears and took a deep breath. "Pie me and let's chat before I get to work on this mountain of boring crap."
    "Okay." I fetched her a slice of apple pie and sat down with her for a minute. "Aside from all that reading how's school going?"
    "Fine, I guess. Ask me after midterms." She ate a bite and closed her eyes. "Yum. Look, I want to know what's up with you and that guy from Dream Defiled. You seemed pretty cozy the other night."
    I shook my head. "Nothing's going on. And I don't want to talk about it."
    Kelly frowned and patted my hand while she ate. "Okay, I get it. Sorry. I guess I was thinking that song might be about you after seeing you together. Which would be a dream, right? I mean god, I can barely get the guys at school to ask their roommate to leave before we hook up. I can't imagine one writing a song about me. I'd settle for removing the old pizza boxes from their dorm room…"
    She kept talking but I wasn't listening anymore. Joe's words were echoing in my head. The only relationship he wanted was with the tour. Happily single.
    "Wait, what song?"
    Kelly shrugged. "Something they played off the cuff this morning. I guess it isn't out yet but the local rock station has been repeating it all day. I heard it in my car on the way down here."
    It must have been what Joe was talking about when I turned off the interview. "Well, whatever. Um, I need to go refill the sugars but yell if you need anything, okay?"
    "Wait," she said, putting down her fork. "I'm sorry. I just got carried away."
    "So did I. In more ways than one." Blinking back tears I headed behind the counter to do something—anything—to take my mind off of the pain in my stomach and in my heart.
    Unfortunately Darrell had been listening and was in full Papa Bear mode. "Kiddo, what's wrong?"
    "Nothing. Hey, how about some of those oldies you love? I could use some upbeat music."
    "Sure. The guys were playing some other nonsense earlier. Let me fiddle with this damn thing." He went over to the radio and turned it on.
    The first thing I heard was a low soulful voice singing, "…for you." Just two words and I knew it was Joe. The song continued, raw and sweet. He strummed along with an acoustic guitar that left plenty of space for the smooth, deep sound of his voice. I covered my mouth to keep from wailing as every note seared right through me.
    Darrell reached out to change the station and I stopped him. "Wait. I I need to hear this. Get this nonsense out of my system once and for all."
    Joe sang on and every note was a dagger to my heart. The song was wonderful. Tough and tender, just like the man singing it. I sighed as it ended and gestured to Darrell that he could change to something else. I was about to go hide in the bathroom to cry when Joe started

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