slid in and out. When he pulled out for a moment, she turned her head to lap at the sack hanging down, begging him with her tongue.
"Yes, Esther, like that." He sighed happily, and his hand played with her breasts. Bending farther down, Johnathan dipped his fingers into her, drawing her juices over her, starting to strum her clitoris. She licked fervently at his cock, feeling her body wind up, her core tight and ready to burst.
"Good girl," Johnathan groaned above her, and her orgasm hit her hard.
As soon as it ended, she felt his cock bump her lips and opened wide to suck him back in.
"I'm going deeper, Esther. Trust me." His hands took hold of her head. "Take a deep breath."
His member took her mouth, dominating her, and she ran her tongue up and down its length, communicating her submission. She felt a touch of panic when he pushed further, but she calmed herself. Johnathan would never hurt her.
Indeed, as his cock started to pulse, he drew out and let his seed spurt out over her chest. Of their own volition, her hands scooped up the slippery seed, studying it with fascination and rubbing it into her skin.
"Oh wife," Johnathan groaned. "What am I going to do with you?"
Grinning up at him, she put a finger into her mouth and tasted him.
Lying in his arms afterward, Esther traced her hand over his hard chest. "I didn't know marriage would be like this."
He laughed and kissed her.
Their travels continued with a train out of Boston. Days later, they arrived in St. Louis and took a room in an inn to ready themselves for the wagon ride West.
Johnathan made good on his word to help his wife dress in the morning. At night, he took to brushing out her golden hair, his touches keeping her hot and quivering for him until he pulled her into his arms.
One morning, she worked her stays until her waist was cinched in as tightly as an hourglass. Johnathan caught her admiring her form in the mirror, and he loosened her stays before pulling her over his knee and spanking her bottom to redness. When he set her on her feet, she knelt before him, hands busy at his trousers.
"Please." She waited until he nodded permission, then drew him out. As her head bobbed up and down, she felt herself grow wet and ready. She concentrated on her husband's pleasure, listening to him groan above her, her submission waking desire deep inside her.
Once she sucked him down, she pressed her legs together, looking at him with shining eyes. His finger tapped her nose.
"Naughty girls don't get to climax," he said with mock seriousness. "Get dressed, now."
A very flustered Esther sat at the breakfast table, trying not to squirm. She pouted a little whenever her husband looked at her, but he seemed amused.
"My wife likes her punishments too much," Johnathan whispered, before leaving for the day's errands. He'd given her a task: walk to the shop and buy a pair of buckskin drawers. She waited for her escort; a young couple named Smith staying at the same inn.
When they reached the shop, Esther saw the fine drawers tipped with eyelet lace and couldn't bring herself to buy the ugly brown ones for men. Stepping out of the shop, she looked for her escort and saw them still next door, examining the buckets and mining supplies.
Her stomach growled; she was to have money left over for lunch, but the fine lacy drawers cost all Johnathan had given her. Her walk up the porch took her past a sign advertising a free lunch, and she tracked back to walk through the open door.
The smell of liquor and unwashed bodies hit her, and she stopped in her tracks. The place was full of men, most rough and unkempt, all of them staring at her. A few women sat at the bar, hard looks on their painted faces.
"Excuse me," Esther blurted. "I've made a mistake."
She escaped, cheeks burning at their raucous laughter. As she strode down the covered porch, she caught sight of her husband striding through the street.
In no time he was at her side, dark
Sam Crescent, Natalie Dae